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John Kerry's memory of his Vietnam era appeared lately to be more and more distant from the truth and reality, almost on a daily basis.Indeed, his recollection of a certain Christmas supposedly in Cambodia, that has now been exposed and lies somewhere between personal fantasy and deliberate deceit, seems to be just one sham among many others - and probably not the worst of all.
Interestingly enough, in the light of what we learned on his tour of duty and what he wanted the American people to believe, Kerry's attacks of Bush's service at the same time demonstrate yet another time a very familiar paradigm that, in my own experience, always proved to be right:
When people on the Left accuse anybody or anything of anything, it means they're already guilty of it ten times more themselves*.
I frankly couldn't care less about what John Kerry did in Vietnam - though I found particularly fulsome and despicable what he did immediately after - and the same goes for George W. Bush, as I'm much more concerned by both men's records in the current world conflict, than in the past one (yes, Bush wins hands down for the moment).
However, Kerry himself chose to pick the fight this way. He opened
*: No seriously, it always works: see how they blame Capitalism for all the misery in the world, while Socialism has an unmatchable worldwide record of creating crass poverty. See how they charge America with colonialism and warmongering while Communist ogres devoured Eastern Europe and a large part of Asia (but failed in South America, thank in no small part to Ronald Reagan), whilst fuelling, financing and training terrorists and 'revolutionaries' of all kinds worldwide. See how they protest a supposed 'crushing of dissent' in liberal democracies, while this is in fact a pillar of all collectivist regimes and movements.
Human rights, economics, social issues, the list goes on and on...
Comments thread (9)
1893 - Francis
1894 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
1895 - LuminaT
1896 - Melody
1897 - lola
1898 - Jerome
1899 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
1900 - Patrick Carroll
Patrick Carroll
1901 - Shari