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Here is an important book on a very serious matter. The French on the cover translates as: "My fundamental rights within the European Union" and that is indeed what this book is about. It is the "Charter of Fundamental Rights in the European Union", as devised in December 2007 in Strasbourg by the European Commission, General Direction ("Justice, Liberty and Security") just so you know it is very important indeed, okay?
Now for perspective, here is the same book next to a wooden stick coated at one end with potassium chlorate, a little sulfur and starch, a bit of ZnO or perhaps CaCO3, 20-40% of siliceous filler plus diatomite and glue.
Also called a safety match.

Sometimes, I just don't know if I should laugh or cry or put on big huge security shoes and go stomp and kick fluffy bunnies frolicking in the daffodils.
It's the European Union. It does that to you.
Comments thread (11)
3817 - Mike H.
Mike H. Spokane, Wa
Just out of curiosity, do they issue a microscope with that?