the dissident frogman

19 years and 10 months ago

My Moron of the Week ♠ Mon Con de la Semaine

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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That is to say, unless a better moron rise up from the grave before the week is over, of course.

In the meantime, the accolade goes to a Belgian (and it's not even a French joke), Jean Beaufays who is in charge of the political science department at Liege University.
Interviewed by Woof Woof 1, (one on five main French TV channels. Not really owned by the State anymore, but still barking on orders, woof woof) on the, well, "significant" result of the Blok Party at the Zeropean Parliament elections: Woof woof analyze woof vote for woof Vlaams Blok ? Woof woof rejection grrrrrr woof politics woof traditional parties woof woof or genuine woof vote of adherence to ideals woof grrrrr?
Jean Beaufays: One has to talk straight: it is indeed a vote of adherence to a racist and anti-democratic ideal (...)
See, that's the really weary thing with democracy:
First you let the people vote, and next thing you know, they start electing people you disagree with anti-democrats democratically.

That's in fact one of the reasons why I have little respect for democracy as such. It's simply meaningless and rather powerless by itself, and without a whole structure of prerequisites: Rule of Law, separation of powers (and by that I mean beyond the administrative or political frame: civil society is not just for the dogs, woof) and a solid set of essential liberties and rights (property, speech, assembly and religion for a start).

Freedom comes before democracy.
Without freedom, all you can hope is a sham of democracy: see the "elections" in Mugabe's Zimbabwe or Saddam's Iraq for instance.

Or see Europe, for a more ludicrous example.

Consequently, that's also the reason why I have no consideration for the too many democracidolaters, particularly when they crash on the limits of their God simply because they expect everything from Him, or because they're just using Him as a pretext to enforce their own (usually authoritarian) conception of society.

Yes, that also means Belgians in charge of political science departments who bawl "down with the anti-democrats" when democracy is working a bit too well.

Woof woof. Grrrrrrrrrr.

Article copy (alternate language)

C'est à dire, à moins qu'un autre con de qualité supérieure ne se lève d'entre les morts avant la fin de la semaine, bien entendu.

Dans l'intervalle, les lauriers vont à un Belge (Et ce n'est même pas une blague française), Jean Beaufays, responsable du département de sciences politiques à l'Université de Liège.
Interviewé par Ouaf Ouaf 1, (L'une des cinq principales chaînes de TV françaises. Plus vraiment propriété de l'Etat, mais aboyant toujours sur ses ordres, ouaf ouaf.) concernant le résultat, disons, "significatif" du parti Blok aux élections au Parlement Zéropéen: : Ouaf ouaf analyser ouaf vote ouaf ouaf Vlaams Blok ? Ouaf ouaf rejet grrrrrrr ouaf politique ouaf partis traditionnels ouaf ouaf ou ouaf vote d'adhésion à des idées ouaf grrrrr ?
Jean Beaufays : Il faut abandonner la langue de bois, il s'agit bel et bien d'un vote d'adhésion à un idéal raciste et anti-démocratique (...)
Tu vois, c'est vraiment ça le truc saoulant avec la démocratie :
D'abord tu laisse le peuple voter, et tu t'es à peine retourné qu'ils commencent à élire des types avec qui t'es pas d'accord anti-démocrates démocratiquement.

C'est en fait l'une des raisons pour lesquelles je n'ai guère de respect pour la démocratie en soi. Elle est tout simplement insignifiante et impuissante par elle même, et sans le soutien de toute une structure préalable essentielle : Règle de la Loi, séparation des pouvoirs (et j'entends par là au-delà du cadre administratif et politique: la société civile, c'est pas que pour les chiens, ouaf) et un solide ensemble de libertés et de droits essentiels (propriété, discours, assemblée et religion pour commencer).

La liberté vient avant la démocratie.
Sans liberté, tout ce que vous pouvez obtenir est un simulacre de démocratie : voir les "élections" au Zimbabwe de Mugabe ou de l'Irak de Saddam par exemple.

Ou voyez l'Europe pour un exemple plus risible.

En conséquence, c'est aussi la raison pour laquelle je n'ai aucune considération pour les trop nombreux démocratidolâtres, particulièrement lorsqu'ils se crashent sur les limites de leur Dieu, simplement parce qu'ils attendent tout de lui, ou qu'il leur sert de prétexte pour imposer leur propre conception (généralement autoritaire) de la société.

Oui, ça inclue aussi les Belges responsables de départements de sciences politiques qui braillent "haro sur l'anti-democrate" quand la démocratie marche un peu trop bien.

Ouaf ouaf. Grrrrrrrrrr.



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Comments thread (4)

1489 - Beck

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You pretty much covered everything worth saying, so instead I'll just mention something meaningless yet amusing. The French version of "woof" is "ouaf"? What a funny language you people speak.

1490 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

And it gets better: you could also say "Ouah", or "Ouap". Don't know if it's just a question of different Schools of Barking, or if it depends on the size and shape of the dog you're impersonating though. You say "Miaou" for cats, and "Cocorico" for the French totemic poultry (yeah, the one that can sing with both feet deep in sh*t). Trivial knowledge is fun, innit?
Time to take sides

1491 - Papertiger

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and the duck says charlatan, and the mouse says couic, and the cow says MOO, and the bird says bip, and the sheep says reelect Chirac, and the horse says ... and the pig says oink. and the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round , round and round

1492 - vindavent

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I agree with you when you favour freedom over democracy. As long as democracy is not a foolproof guarantee for freedom, it does not serve its purpose, and is therefore fallible. Being fallible it is not a god and should consequently not be worshipped. However, I disagree with your all too negative views on democracy. (Sorry for posting only when I disagree, but I have no need and no time to open my mouth when all I have to utter is an echo). I'm afraid to take Switzerland as a (sleepy) example: Its Constitution guarantees all kinds of individual freedoms, but if a federal law infringes on one of these freedoms there is no legal way to challenge that law. Quite scandalous so far. But the law can be put to a vote before the people. Of course there is quite a difference between having a court enforce your freedoms or trusting a majority of ignorant voters. In theory, democracy is the tyranny of the (so uncontrollable..) majority, and the Constitution should be beyond the reach of partisan fumblings. But in practice, democracy works (where it works). Who can guarantee that the Constitution will be respected better than those who are protected by it ? The good thing about democracy, so to speak, is that anything else is worse. Countries with few democratic rights, in my view, tend to infringe more on the private sphere and freedom of individuals. Bearing in mind that democracy can yield some nasty outcomes, especially when the voters of the likes of Couteau become a majority (he's still a long way from it, isn't he), there simply is no alternative to it. (Didn't some famous guy say something like this before (scratching head)? who accidentally contributed to give France another chance with freedom and democracy after 1944...) Some of our dogs say Wau Wau and the sheep say "don't touch my Government and make it promise me a fat early retirement pension"; some wolves, however, (definitely no dogs) say : "say no to Europe, so I can keep my business protected by my friends in Government" (what should we do? remain in a rat hole or enter free-market-Euro-regulation-hell?....sigh)