the dissident frogman

16 years and 3 months ago

Obama, the perfect president

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Perfect for the Europeans, that is. Let me count the ways:

For the far and, more often than not, extreme Left: these lunatics live in a web of propaganda, conspiracy theories and economic fallacies so dense that they actually have a very limited knowledge of hard facts, particularly when it comes to America. However, they can and do recognize the universal signs of International Marxism dropped by the new President-elect, and they just know Obama is one of them, even if the average American voter doesn't. For the first time since the fall of the Soviet Union, (Old) Europe's appallingly numerous Marxist-Leninists, Trotskyites and Stalinists see the winds of change blowing in their favor.


For the Socialists1 and Social Democrats: these people are obsessed with "countering American hegemony"1. Part of them are deluded1, the rest is cynical1 but all of them realize that said "hegemony" is a direct result of the U.S. building wealth and power by embodying what they oppose1: (comparatively) limited government, strong defense, free market economy, work ethics, self-reliance and individual responsibility2. All of them realize that their own antagonist policies are the primary cause of their poor economic and geostrategic performances—the only Socialists who advocate Socialism are those on top of the social ladder who actually benefit from this thieving system—and that they cannot "beat" America without becoming like her—thus renouncing their apparatchiks' privileges. All of them know that Obama will set America adrift from the social model that made her such a successful nation, and sail towards the fetid and primeval swamps of Socialism, where Old Europe is still stuck. All of them1, in short, expect his presidency to weaken America, and all of them1 sees anything that weakens America as a good thing.


For the Far-Right3: take the class-warfare component out of the Far-Left and replace with race-warfare (OEM spare part #1936). For the rest, they are exactly the same brand of anti-American and anti-Capitalism Collectivists (sharing identical conspiracy theories and economic fallacies with the Marxists). They broke open the Champaign at France's National-Front's offices on that bright day of September 11, 2001—a fact I wish that side of the U.S anti-Jihad front that advocates an alliance de circonstance with Old Europe's white supremacists (and regards Jean-Marie Le Pen as "acceptable") would consider. They too, like the Socialists1, see every opportunity to weaken America as a good thing. In addition to that, the new President-elect vindicates one of the pillars of their ideological framework: these folks, after all, define America as an infamous melting pot run by "Kikes" and "Niggers", and they will go "Ha-ha! Told you so!" It's quite ironic though... You can't really blame these f*tards for looking at the U.S. election from the racial point of view: everybody on the Left did, starting with the happy winner himself4...

Finally, the Right, conservative & libertarians (or classical liberals as we call them here). You know, these guys who harbor the crazy ideas that the government should be limited, taxation drastically reduced, the market freed of State intervention and the people left to their own devices and the pursuit of happiness under the protection of a strong defense. For them, needless to say, Obama is a very, very bad news (I mean, picture yourself manning an isolated outpost deep inside enemy lines, and suddenly learning that Central Command has been overrun. See what I mean?)

Well, they have no political significance whatsoever—as a matter of fact they don't exist at all, at least not as a political force per se. Just a bunch of isolated guys like yours truly, hunkered down in their compounds and ideological ghettos, who know that as far as their countries are concerned they are, and always have been, on the wrong side of History5. They won't cast much of a shadow on the current worldwide Socialist renewal.

  1. For the last time, yes, that includes Nicolas Sarkozy. I'm way beyond tired with those pundits and columnists in France and abroad who persist to tag him as a "right-wing conservative" when everything he says and the little he does demonstrate the exact opposite. However, don't take my word for it, and listen to an expert in Socialism and Socialists: "Sarkozy, you are getting to Socialism, welcome to the club, these are interesting ideas." End of quote—An Hugo Chavez quote that is.
  2. Yes dear U.S. reader, it's become worse than it was in America, and if Obama's election is any indication it will get worse before it gets better. However, no matter how bad things look from your end, you still have a long way to go before you reach the depth of Statism at which we lurk down here. And I pray you never will.
  3. That includes the Brussels Journal skinnerds who blabber on the "disappearance of the white" and label themselves Europe's "conservatives".
  4. Leftists of all persuasion are head over heels with the historical election of a black American. What's truly historic—and dramatic— here is that for the first time, Americans elected a radical Socialist at the head of the Republic.
  5. And incidentally that when Democracy is regarded as an end in itself, it always is the tyranny of the majority.



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Comments thread (13)

3847 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

You are quite correct, EU socialists are having orgasams over Barri. Wait for the wailing&gnashing of teeth from the left when he does not yank US forces out of the ME, or close Gitmo, or pay their mortgages and put gas in their cars. Today is the beginning of the Briefing Process, in which Barri will find out what the real world situation is. The media and his other sycophants are already scrambling to lower the expectations built so high during his campaign.

3848 - paperkiller

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  • paperkiller Sarasota, FL

(I mean, picture yourself manning an isolated outpost deep inside enemy lines, and suddenly learning that Central Command has been overrun. See what I mean?)

I could not have said it better myself! Yesterday was a sad day for me and I felt as if my security was crumbling arounds me.

On a positive note! This will be the last time in history the Black minority can play the race card here in America. Hussian has officially captured one of the best jobs in the world so there are no excuses for anyone else.

Time to go enjoy the last few months of my second ammendment rights.

3849 - Proof

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  • Proof Stockton, Callifornia, USA

"This will be the last time in history the Black minority can play the race card here in America."

I believe that was the real reason that Jesse Jackson was crying over the news that Barack H. Obama was President Elect.


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  • NRAENDOWMENT Yuba City, Peoples Republik of Kalifornia, U.S.A.

It looks like America is going to get what it asked for, and good and hard, too. I'm frankly stunned that so many of my countrymen are gullible and foolish enough to elect a man who clearly despises his own nation. I don't know what the future holds for America, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be ugly. I dearly hope I will be proved wrong about that (he says wistfully). In the meantime I purchased two new rifles as soon as the election results were final (an H&K USC and a Smith and Wesson M&P15T, both with an Aimpoint CompM4 mounted). Better get them while we still can.

Good to hear from you Frogman - we were beginning to worry.

3851 - nyexpat

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  • nyexpat left coast

Nancy Pelosi(Senate majority leader, Pro-socialism spokesperson, anti first amendment activist) has been saying to the American people "hold us accountable" while she laughs up her sleeve at the idiots who voted in more democrats, after their miserable performance over the last 2 years. Give these people two years unfettered, and I suspect that people will be crying for "unchange". And yes, Obie's apologists in the press are already trying to dampen expectations. It will be interesting to see how things play out in the coming months, as the Obama-stream Media (OSM- MSM no longer) rushes around trying to excuse his every failure.

3852 - nyexpat

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  • nyexpat left coast

By the way,(and I wish I had taken note of who it was I was watching) I actually saw a news reporter saying rather nervously, that he hoped the White House would have a moderating effect on some of Obama's liberal positions (I don't get fox news channel, so it wasn't them). I suspect that there is a lot of that buyer remorse floating around right now.

3853 - mbrewer2045

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  • mbrewer2045 Wisconsin USA

I also watched in horror as the Obamacrats took control, and the results so far have been promising (note the HEAVY sarcasm in there)...DOW down 400 points, most of the world "celebrating" in the Obama victory (that worries me greatly....never a good thing when your enemy's wishes are granted by the American public), and Queen Pelosi and company already backpedaling on "expectations". Here are my predictions for the near future:

1. The Obama Tax Plan will be drastically changed from what was presented during the campaign to something much worse. Income limits exposed to the higher tax brackets will be revised down (oops, we really didn't mean $250K for families, we meant to say $100K...SORRY) to raise the required revenue.

2. Business and capital spending will meteor into the ground as the corporate tax rates are increased. Why is it that Demoncrats always think that business will reduce profits to cover new expenses...very curious!?

3. The "Union Card" Legislation (the one that bans the secret ballot process during the unionizing process) will become law almost immediately. Those that oppose the union in their workplace would have to do so publicly. If public voting is such a great thing, we do we still cast SECRET ballots for the President and all other elections?!

4. There will be new "Assault Weapons Ban" implemented (which really is a misnomer). Better get your boom sticks while you still can (I am looking into a Bushmaster or Armalite AR-15 chambered for both the 223 Remington and the 5.56x45mm NATO round, myself).

If history proves me wrong, then I will accept it gladly.

3855 - bonmotdot

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  • bonmotdot Deep in the Heart of Texas

Some wag once said a lynch mob is the perfect example of a democracy at work. Only one person is against the idea and he's swinging at the end of a rope.

I hope when Hype and Change meets Reality, Reality takes a big bite out of Hype and Change. Or at least wipes the arrogant smirk off his face.

3856 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa

"I suspect that there is a lot of that buyer remorse floating around right now." nyexpat.

The only remorse that I can see is the media remorse over bleeding readers and listeners. They're attempting to redirect the disgust that readers and listeners felt because of their defense of al-'Bama. Even people who, for whatever microminded reason, voted for al-'Bama have stopped reading and listening to the MSM because they've proven themselves to not be telling the truth. This is the only silver lining that I've seen out of this mess.

3857 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa

"Why is it that Demoncrats always think that business will reduce profits to cover new expenses...very curious!?", mbrewer.

They don't, anymore than the Demoncrats would reduce taxes to cover new expenses. They know who will get hit and could give a damn as long as they're funded.

I keep hearing people say that you have to give them the benefit of the doubt because they believe in what they're doing. Whale droppings! They can't be that simple minded and still survive. Biden is supposed to have an IQ of 146, someone with that much intellectual horsepower may be ignorant but not stupid. It takes a modicum of stupidity to think that laying a monetary burden on someone will cause them to reduce their method of gaining income.