the dissident frogman

15 years and 4 months ago

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the dissident frogman

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Is there someone, somewhere out there, who can come up with a valid explanation as to how a putrid sack of filth quoted as writing "WESTERN SOCIALISM, represents the future of the West" could possibly be called by some "a creature of the Right"?

Apart from the fact that, amazingly enough, there still are some people unaware that Nazism ("classical" or neo) is a Leftist ideology by all accounts and measures, I'm at loss for an explanation.

And then, ignorance is no excuse anyway.



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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (10)

4152 - TooTall

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[quote]Is there someone, somewhere out there, who can come up with a valid explanation as to how a putrid sack of filth quoted as writing "WESTERN SOCIALISM, represents the future of the West" could possibly be called by some "a creature of the Right"? [/quote]

Certainly - it fits the liiberal agenda so they say it. The truth shall not stand in the way of their goals.

4153 - unknown jane

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It all makes perfect sense in the Gramascian/Marcusean/Derrida-ese/Foucaultist/Zinnean/Chomskyite (add any more appropriate culture groupings to this list, it's a long one) definition of "the universe and how it works".

By studying the thought patterns, folkways, mores, religion, and vernaculars of these related social groups you will understand how a Nazi not only becomes defined, but IS, IS WE SAY, most definitely as a right winger (and possibly a Republican as well...but definitely not just a nutjob). Capitalistic Jews, Guidos, Uncle Toms/Aunt Jemimas, Rednecks, Apples, Twinkies, June Cleavers, breeders, and Cholos are also right wing/Nazis, as are in the closet homosexuals, Bible thumpers, independent small businesspeople, farmers, people who support the rights of the mentally/physically handicapped to live, junk food eaters, smokers, drinkers (beer definitely, liquor and wine according to brand and condition of consumption) and I believe sea kitten killers as well...all certifiable members of the great, right wing, Nazi conspiracy according to the quaint and colorful mythogenisis of the GMDFZC and affiliated societies.

aka, things that make you go "hmm"

4154 - unknown jane

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Oh, and rogue Argentinian glaciers -- definitely a part of the vast right wing, Nazi conspiracy...was probably bought off with promises of high quality, inclusion free, blue ice and all the snowflakes it could eat.

4155 - Proof

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  • Proof Stockton, Callifornia, USA

I'm sure you know by now, my friend, that intellectual honesty is not the "long suit" of the Left.

4157 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

Froggy? Here is a sentence you need to memorize. "He is a Democrat, its different." As long as he hates Jews, Negroes, and Womens the Democrat Party, NAACP, ACLU, and SPLO will defend him. Publicly they will screech&wail, spew effimenate protestations, and yet all you need to do is look at who is PAYING his legal bills, and for whom his very, extremely expensive lawyers actually work. Its just that simple.

No one hates Jews, Negroes and Womens more than fucking Democrats do. History does not lie, and their actions speak for themselves.

4158 - Iwo Gina

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  • Iwo Gina Maryland

A little re-education is in order. Perhaps DF could do his bit to spread the following throughout his part of the blogosphere, it might help to remove some of the scales from the eyes of a few million "sheep":

Iwo Gina

4159 - Spiny Norman

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  • Spiny Norman California

James von Brunn NEEDS to be "a creature of the Right" to advance the Gramscian Progessive Narrative, without cognitive dissonance derailing the whole damn thing.

4160 - TooTall

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BTW - Great link Iwo, Thanks!

4161 - Iwo Gina

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  • Iwo Gina Maryland

No problem, Too Tall. I doubt seriously that our children are taught the reason why the words in our Pledge of Allegience are "... and to the Republic for which it stands,..." Although, I also have serious doubts about the degree of knowledge our educators have these days!

Iwo Gina

4162 - Bruce

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It's all just part of the game these cretins on the left play, Dis. This is what we deal with on a daily basis. Obfuscation, redirection, outright lies - it's all part of "what they do." Truth has nothing to do with promoting their agenda.