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It's been an interesting week-end.Not mentioning the beginning of this week.
When I closed my browser's window on the last coverage of the 'peace' protests last Saturday and feverishly drew my faithful Digital Durandal sword (yes, that's the pen of my Wacom tablet) there was no way I could imagine that the animated result of my anger towards the pro Saddam demonstrators would receive such an excellent welcome from so many outstanding people.
You.Are.Just.Great. And I mean it.
I'm not very keen on 'collectivist' stuff, as you probably noticed, so that's why you should particularly take into consideration the following 'collective' expression of my gratitude.
I mean, it's rather unusual from me. Exceptional, should I say and therefore, valuable I guess.
Besides, I won't do that too frequently. Maybe you could speculate.
However, 'collective' as we all know, doesn't mean 'exhaustive' and this is precisely why we're about to see the very first demonstration of the Collectivism's intrinsic perversion: while my intentions are benevolent, the internal contradiction of a collectivist approach will ineluctably lead me to forget - and therefore, disregard involuntarily - some very fine individuals.
For this I apologize. But then again, we already know that Collectivism is the wrong way to go right?
After all, there are people over there that learned that in their flesh and blood, against their will and over several generations. And yes, just in case you wonder, I'm thinking about the people the President of my country has been insulting recently.
While on the road to the high grounds of Gratitude, I've been tempted to take a detour to the Peak of Indignation. The contempt, the arrogance and the plain lack of the most elementary politeness showed by Jacques Chirac over the last days towards the Vilnius group merged to produce an outstanding example of the worst face of France. This is the quintessence of the Gallic Rooster, bellowing high his ridiculous screech, his two feet firmly planted in the manure pile. And that means shit.
It's even worse, considering this was the President of my sorry country speaking. Not some of his third degree simple-minded cousin appointed French Ambassador® in Sofia or Belgrade to please Auntie Bernadette, according to the imperishable etiquette of French NepotismTM.
(Oddly enough, when you happen to be the President's stepbrother, they won't send you to the Eastern Front. They keep you in here and the French people have to withstand your miserable actor's performance on the state ran TV channel. Every week. Even if the aforementioned President is dead.)
I may have a word or two on the French president-by-default later, but honestly, I just feel like dismissing the whole stuff right now.
Because you know, I think the French President is definitely out of order. Disabled. Unplugged.
Back to more pleasant issues, if you don't mind.
Many people linked to the dissident frogman and the "Price of their Peace" banner. And I want to thank them.
Many people emailed me and offered to show the clip on their sites. I want to thank them as well.
Many people emailed me to congratulate me and I really appreciate their move and their words.
I already answered some of you and, since we all know how disastrous Collectivism is, you can be sure that I will answer everybody personally.
The clip has already been displayed on the following fine sites and sent to the following places. In no specific order:
Dan from Los Angeles needed it because he has "about a million places to post it", the BarCodeKing has been 'posting' it (and there's really no pun intended), we tried to find a way for numerous people who wanted to post it among several forums, probably on the flame war front, the clip can also be seen on top of The Axis of Weasels and, and both sites were mentioned in yesterday's Opinion Journal of the Wall Street Journal (congratulations guys 'n gals!), Emperor Misha claimed his owed tribute and received it, as well as the Samizdata team. The clip is also playing Live from Brussels and with the activism of this fine Belgian Dissident blogger, already helped to convince at least one former 'pacifist'. Dean Esmay has been very enthusiast as well, and I know for a fact that he relayed me helping other people publish it. The Ville has honored the Dissident with a "link of the Day" and the banner is also waving high at The Flag of the World and may stay there "until the war starts". Wayne has been exposing the case in Toronto while Saxon builds the link between music and freedom. The Tocquevillian Magazine had a word on it too and it's being extensively featured at Hometown USA. Don Quixote is broadcasting it at Solport because, in his own words, it's "very nice to show that all Frenchmen do not support Saddam". Many, many people, including The Art of War reported that they heard about it at Blogs of War who, in return, is thanking Merde in France for the link. I already did, I think that was just before I sent the Price of their Peace as far away from here as Australia.
A special mention for an outstanding new blogger: Dixie Flatline. You should already be there, not reading me. I have the feeling that the beneficial influence of Rachel Lucas has something to do here. After Bill whittle, now Dixie Flatline... I totally agree with one of my correspondents when he calls Rachel a marvel. So many talented writers in so little time. How the heck is she doing this?
An interesting fact to notice as well is that the proportion of men and women, among the people who contacted me is roughly even.
From Hometown USA to and several individuals, I had the honor and the pleasure to exchange a few words with some of the finest, smartest, and most resolute and spiritual women I ever met. Therefore I can't fail to mention of course, Jen at The Greatest Jeneration and Ma Dame from Spiced Sass. They both were among the first to notice this clip and publicize it without the slightest hesitation.
The Dame of Spaced Sass even went as far as engaging the fight, using this humble movie clip as a weapon against some kind of [supposed] human shield Bunny Boy [supposedly] in Baghdad:
You frigging shields left your brains scraped along your mothers' vaginal canal or something. What you fail to realize is yours is such an old tired story. Oppressed man, big bad capitalists. Bloodthirsty war mongers. The stuff milquetoasts, for some reason, find scary. Wow, gee, sounds like regurgitated 60's crap to me.That's from the Lady who once wrote: "Hell hath no fury as a woman who has found her allegiance and rediscovered her country. I'm an American. Do. Not.Fuck.With.Me."
In the meantime, I suggest you look at the truth. Yes, the word you hate, but, go ahead, suck it up wienies and ponder this Frenchman's message to you. It speaks for far more millions of people than your tired old dog of a show ever will, you poor demented little boy.
You can't say she didn't warn you.
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