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Nearly two years ago, I told you I'd been commissioned to create a cover illustration for September 11 Wall Street Sonnets and Other New York City Poems.Maybe you remember I also told you how Eugene Schlanger, when he saw it, said that the design idea I came up with was "a stroke of genius"? And I was like "Ooooh look the poet, he says I'm a genius" and you were like, thinking "that's one hell of an ego he's got, but after all he's French" tough you kindly kept your thoughts to yourself with this characteristic Anglo-Saxon politeness that's totally alien to the abuse-hurling French society?
Well then, if you remember that, you may be interested to learn that Eugene Schlanger' September 11 Wall Street Sonnets and Other New York City Poems (a bilingual English/French edition by publishing house Underbahn) is now available on Amazon, both paperpack and on Amazon's electronic reader the Kindle (which is, sadly, not available outside the U.S.)1
Comments thread (4)
3648 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
Thanks for the heads up! Just in time for my Christmas shopping, before we all go bankrupt and have to eat dirt sandwiches.
3650 - Lady Cincinnatus
Lady Cincinnatus Ohio & Kentucky
"It ain't braggin' if it's true".
3652 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
[quote]Also, the Wall Street Poet, he thought my cover was a stroke of genius you know.[/quote]
Please allow me to second this opinion. The twin towers rising from the tourch of freedom makes quite a statement.
3676 - GD
This cover reminds me of my own idea for a WTC Memorial:
1. Move the Statue of Liberty to ground zero.
2. Build a new matching in stature, etc. statue of a war eagle to replace the statue of liberty, facing the middle east.