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Shops closures see Starbucks lossDissident Frogman to Starbucks Command: you can't go about on a corporate policy that smiles upon shallow neo-Marxist slogans such as "People Not Profit", and then blame the people for your loss of profits.
Starbucks has seen its first quarterly net loss in more than 15 years - blaming costs linked to closing about 600 of its underperforming stores.
Comments thread (5)
3642 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
So, let me get this straight. They lost so much money closing 600 money losing shops that they are going bankrupt?
They got that assbackwards. 600 money losing shops cost them so much profit that they are going bankrupt. Morons.
And yes, I done been up in a Starbucks. After 10 minutes of telling the neo-hippie idiot that I wanted coffee and acheiving no level of comprehension on its part I walked down the street to a BP station and got one for under a dollar. Fiddy cent, to be culturally precise.
3643 - Proof
Proof Stockton, Callifornia, USA
"closing about 600 of its underperforming stores."
But! But! What happened to: "To each according to his needs from each according to his ability?" Heh.
3644 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
Vladmir Lenin was unavailable for comment.
3645 - Lady Cincinnatus
Lady Cincinnatus Ohio & Kentucky
So why didn't they take from their 600 best performing stores and use 1/2 their profits to fund the 600 money losing stores? That would have saved the jobs of the losing stores, while taking from the customer greedy, over-achieving money making stores. People Not Profits, remember? I think they forgot.
3647 - unknown jane
unknown jane
I have always liked the BP's (or the Casey's) coffee much better anyway(better yet, the local coffee shop, which is walking distance and the people there are friendly). It costs much less, doesn't have that nagging faint odor of cat litter and ashtray's too it (anyone else ever notice that about Starbucks' coffee?), and the atmosphere isn't quite so stuffy.
Why anyone would pay upwards of four dollars for a cup of coffee that tastes remotely like cat litter and ashtrays was quite beyond my comprehension in the first place. I must lack sophistication. I suppose the local Starbucks closing will be the end of ever attaining this. Tears are being choked back.