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Just when you thought the Hollywood Actor Vulgaris couldn't compete any dumber in the Darwin Awards, Exhibitionism comes in and meet Indiana Jones.Jules Crittenden relays Vodkapundit on Access Hollywood's chest hair waxing Harrison Ford to "demonstrate the pain of deforestation". I wish I could make these up, and earn a much better living.
Coming up next: Brad Pitt has Harrison Ford's chest hair transplanted to demonstrate the pain of global warming. Hot!
Comments thread (4)
3456 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
Oh. My. Gawd! Does Angelina know about this?!?!?!
3458 - DaToad
DaToad Glendale, AZ, USA
I'd let them wax the hair off my butt if I thought I could help save the environment. I just don't see anyone donating because some hairy fat guy in Arizona waxed his ass.
3460 - Troubleshooter
It's interesting how his characters seem to actually be men.
Shows what a good actor he is I guess.
3467 - Ms.ManChow
Ms.ManChow Maryland
That is the stupidest thing I've read in a very long time. Simply stupid. Mr. Ford is a moron, I'm amazed he's managed to live so long without a helmet.