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They just can't help it, can they? From the BBC's daily email:* Israel marks its 60th anniversary *Another fine example of the constant anti-Israel bias that runs amok at the Beeb. Nothing is technically false: Israel will mark the event that the Palestinian terror propaganda—coached by the Soviet KGB—did indeed call "the Catastrophe".
Israel begins events to mark 60 years since its creation in 1948, a date the Palestinians remember as "the Catastrophe".
Full story
So hey, they're not lying or anything.
In other news today—curiously absent from the BBC email—Europe shall begin events to mark V-E Day (Victory in Europe Day).
A date what's left of Germany's Nazis remember as quite a catastrophe too.
Comments thread (4)
3475 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
[quote]. . .meant to symbolise the hope of Palestinian refugees to return to villages in what is now Israel.[/quote]
The Palestinian refugees are from what country? The League of Nations document which established the British Mandate for the Territory of Palestine states the purpose was to "in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." (emphasis mine) They left (weren't driven out) for their own reasons and now that the area is blooming they want to return? Fat chance!
3476 - Frozen Tex
Frozen Tex Yellowknife, NT, Canada
Their Arab "brothers" told 'em to leave, so they'd be out of the way when the Arab nations pushed the Jews into the sea...
How's that workin' out for 'em now?
3477 - DaToad
DaToad Glendale, AZ, USA
If you thin the BBC was anti-Israel, read the comments. Unbelievable.
3478 - JihadGene
JihadGene North Korea, Central California
Thanks DF! You're on it! Loved the Aldolf Post Card!
Great Reader JihadGene