the dissident frogman

20 years and 8 months ago

Where's my baksheesh? ♠ Où est mon bakchich ?

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Judging by some emails I received lately, there seems to be a great deal of confusion with my ongoing "Pinkos Get the Mickey" program.

Remember comrades (Little "c". I'm just trying to reconquer this term that was once hijacked by some of the worst gravediggers of the human rights in History.) there's a good reason why the high resolution version of this brilliant, outstanding, flabbergasting, absogoddamlutely super tip-top¹ "Marx Gets the Mickey" design (featuring the not less tip-top Leftist-Spanking tagline: "In effect, Marx is dealing with pre-capitalist conditions, and ignoring the truth which stared him in the face: THE MORE CAPITAL, THE LESS SUFFERING.") is not directly available on the site.

It's the prize. Of the contest.

I know you want it bad. You dream about it. You've lost all appetite. You're dying to spend the next ritual week-end at your in-laws, who happen to be such a bunch of moronic Champagne Socialists (but as far as their daughter is okay, this is just like a cold in winter. Wipe until it pass.) and take place at the diner table sporting it, just to feel the sudden drop of temperature (and that wouldn't be superfluous these days, although it's propitious for cold.) or as lep, who is one of the ten lucky fellows owning the original CafePress manufactured collector of the miChey Guevarra version (and moved his blog here by the way - it's in French, mind you), recount in the comments here, you're quivering out of the envy to go to work with it, and experience the Pinkos Get the Mickey effect on the way (er, subway actually).

Hell, you could even try to bribe me² maybe?

Anyway. This Mickey Marx thingy... You want it? You want it damn wild bad?

How bad?

Read the rules again: it's a win-win contest. A free lunch kind of thing.

So show me what you did with the Che. And you'll get it.

Don't forget: I want a photo of somebody with the miChey tee.

Be it you striding proudly the alleys at UC Berkeley, Lenin's mummy rotting in the sarcophagus or even your dog pissing on a sarcophagus with a mummy of Lenin rotting in it, wathever.

Your call.

1. the dissident frogman was once called -- by either a stinky left wing fascist or by a stinky right wing fascist, who knows. They think stink and talk the same -- "You self glorifying bastard".

Which is cool.

It's just about time to start acting like one.

2. I have news for you: you can try. There's a Paypal button, in the right column on the home page.

But failed bribery attempts are not refundable, mark my word.

Article copy (alternate language)

A en juger par certains emails que j'ai reçu dernièrement, il semble qu'il y ait pas mal de confusion autour de mon programme du moment, "Pinkos Get the Mickey".

Souvenez vous camarades ("c" minuscule. Je tente de me réapproprier ce terme, détourné il fut un temps par certains des pires fossoyeurs des droits de l'homme de l'Histoire.) il y a une bonne raison pour que la version haute résolution de ce splendide, extraordinaire, époustouflant absobondieulument super tip-top¹ "Marx Gets the Mickey" (sur lequel figure l'accroche Fesse-Gauchiste non moins tip-top : "Il résulte que Marx se base sur des conditions pré-capitaliste et ignore la vérité qui lui faisait face : LE PLUS DE CAPITAL, LE MOINS DE SOUFFRANCE.") n'est pas directement disponible sur le site.

C'est le prix. Du concours.

Je sais à quel point vous le voulez. Vous en rêvez. Vous avez perdu tout appétit. Vous mourrez d'envie de passer le prochain week-end rituel dans la belle famille, qui se trouve être un ramassis de crétins gauche caviar (mais tant que la fille est ok, ce n'est que l'équivalent d'un rhume en hiver. Mouchez jusqu'à ce que ça passe.) et le porter à la table du dîner, juste pour sentir la soudaine baisse de température (ce qui est loin d'être superflu en ce moment mais est généralement propice au rhume) ou encore, comme lep, qui se trouve être l'un des dix veinards propriétaires du collector original de la version miChey Guevarra manufacturée par CafePress (et qui a téléporté son blog ici au fait), nous le conte dans les commentaires ici, vous en tremblez, telle est forte l'envie de vous rendre au travail avec et d'expérimenter l'effet Pinkos Get the Mickey sur le chemin.

Damnation, vous pourriez même tenter de me corrompre¹ peut être?

Peu importe. Ce truc de Mickey Marx... Vous le voulez ? Vous le voulez à-mort-beaucoup ?

Beaucoup comment ?

Lisez les règles à nouveau: à tous les coups l'on gagne. Le genre on rase gratis.

Alors montrez moi ce que vous avez fait du Che. Et vous l'aurez.

N'oubliez pas : je veux une photo de quelqu'un portant le tee-shirt du miChey.

Que cela soit vous même arpentant fièrement les allées de la fac de Nanterre, la momie de Lénine en train de pourrir dans le sarcophage ou même votre chien pissant sur un sarcophage dans lequel pourrit une momie de Lénine, peu importe.

C'est votre décision.

1. le dissident frogman fut, un jour, qualifié -- soit par un puant de fasciste de gauche, soit par un puant de fasciste de droite, qui sait. Ils pensent puent et parlent de la même manière -- "You self glorifying bastard".

Ce qui est cool.

Il n'est donc que temps d'agir comme tel.

2. J'ai une nouvelle pour vous : vous pouvez tenter. Il y a un bouton Paypal, colonne de droite, sur la home page.

Mais les tentatives de corruption ratées ne sont pas remboursables, tenez vous le pour dit.



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the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (9)

536 - LaFéeC

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Manque plus qu'à faire la photo :)) (in english : I just have to take the picture ;))

537 - lep

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Merci pour le lien ! Je prends la photo en septembre, dès que je peux emprunter tout le matos nécessaire. A bientôt donc. Thanks for the link ! I'll have to wait september and some friends' hardware to take the picture. See you soon, thus.

538 - Nicolas

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Ok bon alors maintenant il me reste plus qu'a acheter du papier transfert et à trouver un truc original pour la photo :)

539 - Clem Snide

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DF: I couldn't help thinking that perhaps Ché would look more handsome to the aging hippies and infantile losers who admire him if his moustache was some what more toothbrush-like in appearance, especially given the similarity of their ideology these days to that mad little Austrian.

540 - M. Simon

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Uh. Nice bit on Marx. What every one forgets is that Marx was not a Marxist. He believed that after capitalism had accumulated all the possible capital that socialism would come along and disttribute it. He said you could tell the end point of capitalism by the fact that profits were no longer possible. Now we are still quite far from that point. From a true socialist 's point of view every encumberance put on capitalism is retarding the end point. You see the people who call themselves socialists today are terribly confused. They ought to love profit. The more the better. Because profit gets us to the endpoint sooner. Marx for all his mistakes cared about man. Marxists only care about power.

541 - M. Simon

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Let me state it more clearly: Marx would have agreed with you. Marxists would not.

542 - M. Simon

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Let me get even crazier. Marx thought he was writing economics. He was actually writing science fiction. What the world would be like far in the future if.......

543 - lep

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Un article paru dans le Figaro aujourd'hui : Le guerillero Bové veut harceler les néolibéraux. Au cas où vous voudriez Mickey-iser toute une série de célèbres abrutis, je me permets de mettre en avant la cible de choix : José Bové. Je serais très fier d'arborer toute représentation de ce triste personnage défiguré et/ou accompagné d'un texte explicite.

544 - GreatDane

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Mr. Simon, Marx wasn't writing economics or science fiction, he was writing shit. He was distributing wealth across the globe, throwing goods at the ignorant masses, surprising the pool of poor with values. His mind was working in the highest gears - but it was in all his mind - all theory. He stayed in a room and never did an ounce of good in this world or helped a single person. His succesors brought his theories to nightmare. He is not worth the T-shirt, let's not be more crazy or academic about it than he was.