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I know it would take more than a man's life just to record the last 6 months of absolute mendacity and plain putridity (putrid here, putrid there, putrid everywhere) of the French press itself, without actually considering commenting it, and even without looking at the next European door.But sometimes, the dissident frogman just goes "Duh?!":
Of course it is too early to do more than speculate. But this attack has underlined one thing. It is possible to drive a vehicle, packed with explosives, up to an embassy building in Baghdad.I can understand that Matthew Price, BBC correspondent anywhere can be quite puzzled to discover that all Arabs aren't just a bunch of happy fellows albeit big bad Western military-industrial-petroleum complexes victims, as idealized in the mind of a Socialist intellectual, -- such as the proletariat before them or even such as the trees, cows, little puffy coprophagous beetles, great white sharks, earthquakes and other lonesome bitter feminists in their 40s, in the Ecoterrorist's Whimsical World of Nature -- but that some of them, just like anywhere else on the face of this Earth are actually nothing more than a pack of unscrupulous savages who will make absolutely no distinction and kill just about anybody including, Oh My, poor poor Matthew, other Arabs.
The Americans say their number one priority is security. The Iraqis say their number one priority is security.
But so far, it is not being provided.
Hence Matthew's article title that resonates like the knell of another lost illusion.
I can't tell in which closet Matthew was, before he moved into his Baghdad one, but that is not such a big surprise to me.
Learn a lesson Matthew: even the German Nazis murdered Germans. Bad guys have no ethnic preconception.
Preferences maybe, but no preconception.
That's why the Left endorses them and always supported them so much, actually. They share the same equalitarian conception of the society.
Anyway, you can see how bad Matthew from the BBCloset in Baghdad is stunned by this sudden enlightenment just by looking at the way he suddenly fall short of the lowest amount of common sense:
Since the Americans are supposedly not providing the security everybody wants, Matthew reports that "this attack has underlined one thing. It is possible to drive a vehicle, packed with explosives, up to an embassy building in Baghdad."
Astoundingly brilliant deduction Matthew.
Of course, I'm sure you noticed as well that it is also possible to fly planes into towers in New York, explosive-packed boats in US and French ships in Yemen, explosive packed vehicles in Morroco and Saudi Arabia streets, explosive-packed scumbags in Israeli buses or Muscovite theaters, explosive... Geez Matthew. The heck is your point anyway?
You should adjust your pants. Your propaganda is really showing now.
Comments thread (5)
545 - M. Simon
M. Simon
546 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
547 - i am not a frog
i am not a frog
548 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
549 - leen