the dissident frogman

A genuine Internet guestbook!

Let's everybody Sign Like it's 1995 again!

This is the newest1 version of the guestbook. The previous one, running on a different software, proved to be unreliable and prone to hackers attacks.

I couldn’t import the previous reader’s entries in this new one and am sorry for this. It just proves that, unlike allegedly looted Iraqi museum, the Internet is worthless when it comes to preserving relics of the past.

Anyway, please have a go at it. As this works on an open-posting basis, and trolls roam the cyberland freely, all submissions will be moderated before publication. Any display of Leftist lunacy, Islamic zealotry, French Frenchness and other insanities will have their authors anal-probed by top CIA experts in counter-trolling. Thanks for your attention.

  1. Well, it was new back in 2006. This page is from the previous redesign. Time files, and all that.

Ceci est la nouvelle1 version du Livre d’Or. La précédente, qui reposait sur un logiciel différent, était aussi peu fiable qu’ouverte aux attaques de hackers.

Je n’ai pas pu importer les anciennes entrées de lecteurs et j’en suis désolé. Cela prouve simplement que, contrairement aux musées irakiens prétendument pillés, l’Internet ne vaut rien lorsqu’il s’agit de préserver des reliques du passé.

Quoi qu’il en soit, allez-y. Considérant que ceci fonctionne par soumission ouverte, et que les trolls parcourent le cyber-pays librement, les entrées seront soumises à modération avant d’être autorisées à l’affichage. Toute manifestation de démence gauchiste, de bigoterie islamique, de francitude française et autres insanités vaudront à leurs auteurs une coloscopie poussée par des experts en contre-trolling de la CIA. Merci de votre attention.

  1. “Nouvelle” en 2006. Cette page remonte au précédent redesign. Comme le temps passe vite, et tout ça.



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Like, Mr J. Galt

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Like, Mulligan's Valley

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Guestbook entries go through moderation, and can't be edited. Use the preview!

The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

You are responsible for what you write. I slay trolls. Thank you for signing the book.


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I enjoyed your video about the false reporting by our media on the war in Iraq, way to stick to these corrupt, lying, deceitful scumbags and their personal campaign to keep the American people ignorant of the good we are doing for that country.

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Shooty, no-shooty… Sublime…

Just don’t take this pro-American thing too far. It may have certain adverse side-effects such as Erectile Dysfunction, constipation, and Tourette’s Syndrome, in no particular order.

DF says:

“Just don’t take this pro-American thing too far (…)” I’ve been “taking this thing” on and off for several years now, and you’re not the first “smartass” to come up with that kind of feeble comment. It usually tells a lot more about them than it does about me.

Yours is no exception.

Troubleshooter says:

I guess I should have included some smileys. It was a joke. I almost pissed myself watching your video for the under-educated/overly-biased press. Relax. I was giving props where it was appropriate.

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  • geodan rinasino

i was looking at images of whittail deer… and was linked to your site… i found it interesting….your web designer did an exellent job you have a photo album link that i might be interested in ?

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C’est con… Très con… Et bon… Très Très bon. Tombé par hasard sur la leçon de ballistique pour les nuls, avec la différence douille/ogive/cartouche pour journaliste mal comprenant. Tout est bon, de l’humour à la gestuelle. Stop, je vais arrêter le panégyrique, je vais me faire accuser de je ne sais quels maux. Keep up the good job, Frogman!

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Greetings at this politically incorrect time from the Former Great Britain, as I type this Browns Thought police will be reading and loading up the riot van to re-educate me in the wonders of socialism.

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I enjoyed your post about hunting. I was in SE Missouri with a good friend three weeks ago, hunting Whitetails. Living in the Desert Southwest so long, I have an appreciation for late fall woods, and the opportunity to walk in them. Nice to see someone on the Continent having that pleasure as well! -Kv

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LOL! Love the boom-stick training. Gotta love a tango, a dead one that is … LOL! Another day in paradise … Toodles, AF.