the dissident frogman

A genuine Internet guestbook!

Let's everybody Sign Like it's 1995 again!

This is the newest1 version of the guestbook. The previous one, running on a different software, proved to be unreliable and prone to hackers attacks.

I couldn’t import the previous reader’s entries in this new one and am sorry for this. It just proves that, unlike allegedly looted Iraqi museum, the Internet is worthless when it comes to preserving relics of the past.

Anyway, please have a go at it. As this works on an open-posting basis, and trolls roam the cyberland freely, all submissions will be moderated before publication. Any display of Leftist lunacy, Islamic zealotry, French Frenchness and other insanities will have their authors anal-probed by top CIA experts in counter-trolling. Thanks for your attention.

  1. Well, it was new back in 2006. This page is from the previous redesign. Time files, and all that.

Ceci est la nouvelle1 version du Livre d’Or. La précédente, qui reposait sur un logiciel différent, était aussi peu fiable qu’ouverte aux attaques de hackers.

Je n’ai pas pu importer les anciennes entrées de lecteurs et j’en suis désolé. Cela prouve simplement que, contrairement aux musées irakiens prétendument pillés, l’Internet ne vaut rien lorsqu’il s’agit de préserver des reliques du passé.

Quoi qu’il en soit, allez-y. Considérant que ceci fonctionne par soumission ouverte, et que les trolls parcourent le cyber-pays librement, les entrées seront soumises à modération avant d’être autorisées à l’affichage. Toute manifestation de démence gauchiste, de bigoterie islamique, de francitude française et autres insanités vaudront à leurs auteurs une coloscopie poussée par des experts en contre-trolling de la CIA. Merci de votre attention.

  1. “Nouvelle” en 2006. Cette page remonte au précédent redesign. Comme le temps passe vite, et tout ça.



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Like, Mulligan's Valley

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Guestbook entries go through moderation, and can't be edited. Use the preview!

The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

You are responsible for what you write. I slay trolls. Thank you for signing the book.


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Great stuff! My balls hurt I laughed so hard. Boom stick instruction is f’ing awesome. Sad it’s all true. Later, AF.

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As a Canuk i have had my fill of French frenchiness ( Quebec). It warms my heart to find stand up frenchmen. Also just to let you know Canada has had troops on the ground in Afganastan doing the heavy lifting (dying) for over two years now. All English troops. Now the French (Quebers) went in. Hopfully they are of your ilk othewrwise we will be out by Christmas. This is the war of our generation. We must not fail. Keep up the good work. alex the Canuk

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Dear DF (perhaps anti-Cousteau = dissident frogman?) I have been reading your blog frequently as a source of news and entertainment these past few months. Your latest film was superb, it reminds me of Jean Paul Belmondo in his 60’s movies and spy spoofs. Keep up the good work and give us more on what is really going on in Gare Nord. We don’t believe Le Mond or AFP for some reason, nor the BBC of late. If you visit Michigan, come when it is warm and we go to the local gun club to do some target practice! Don’t need to bring your own, I have about 11 long and 2 short to choose from. Your new friend in Michigan, Terrapod

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Your video on the cartridge vs. bullet was outstading. I hope you don’t mind that I posted it to YouTube. I did this to make it easier to share with friends. I sent the link to 15 people about 10 days ago.

Since then, the video has been viewed over 6,000 times. In addition, it has received over 20 comments and 72 ratings (averaging 4 stars). Most of the comments are congratulating you on your good work.

At this point, I figured I needed to share this information with you so that you could see the responses to your work.

You can find it at

I did not take credit for it and posted a link to your website in the description of the video.

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Fuck you french frog, we don’t need you. Mind your own business… You are small mind, small people.. Try to make a country, like we do in USA, and stop waiting for gov help lazy bones… All you do is speaking and going on strike…  For your case, you are not american, and you are no more french… mindless and lost person… Fuck France and fuck the marseillaise.. —— [EDIT BY THE DISSIDENT FROGMAN] —— Sacrebleu, I’m being rebuked by a good old American boy, and a very rude one, with that. What a shock, all my illusions and love for America shattered, and all… I think I’m gonna turn anti-American, in reaction. There’s only one problem with that “Jimmy R.P”. in “Boston”: he’s from French speaking Canada… “Jimmy’s” Internet Service Provider: Mega Quebec, 400 Jean Lesage, suite 215 Quebec / StateProv: QC / PostalCode: G1K-8W1 / Country: CA / Phone: +1-418-821-0024 / Email: How stupid can they be? Yeah, that stupid

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Hello and thanks for your entertaining site. I found you through and will really enjoy reading. respectfully, doorkeeper

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Thank you for having such a site - your content is most needed at this time!! My ability at humor lacks and or the ability to convey thoughts with a ‘smile’ as you do!! But after serving our nation for almost 45 continuious years I salute you and your efforts! chuck ingerson aka the old rusty knight