the dissident frogman

16 years and 11 months ago

Cookie crumbling, gun smoking, shoe dropping, and other "Doh!" moments

the dissident frogman

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We’ve been saying, over and over again, that there was more to it than just the “Occupation of Middle-East” by the Evil Zionists and Crusaders.

Well, what do you know?

When students protesting Hugo Chavez’s plan to make himself into a dictator for life protested in Caracas chanting “Freedom”, the riot police that smashed through their ranks were under the supervision of Deputy Justice Minister Tarik or Tareck El-Aissami.

In his early thirties Tarik El-Assimi is one of the younger men to have held such a post. His father Carlos el-Aissami headed the Venezuelan branch of the Baath Party, while his great-uncle Shibli el-Aissami was a close Saddam ally and served as assistant to the Secretary General of the Baath Party.

Before the invasion of Iraq, Carlos El-Aissami held a press conference in which he described himself as a Taliban and called Osama Bin Laden, “the great Mujahedeen, Sheik Osama bin Laden”. The son, Tareck el-Aissimi who headed up Venezuela’s visa department and now serves as deputy justice minister, began as student union leader supervising drug dealing and a car theft ring, while intimidating his rivals. He maintained links to terrorist organizations. With the rise of Chavez, Tariq El-Aissimi’s rise began as well. [emphasis mine]

More on the arabo-muslim colonization of South America, and so much for the idiots and the deceivers who keep downplaying the nature of this conflict as a World War, and reducing it to a police operation against a (most likely dead) bearded Saudi millionaire in a cave.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (8)

2921 - Lady Cincinnatus

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  • Lady Cincinnatus Ohio & Kentucky

“More on the arabo-muslim colonization of South America, and so much for the idiots and the deceivers who keep downplaying the nature of this conflict as a World War, and reducing it to a police operation against a (most likely dead) bearded Saudi millionaire in a cave.”

Am I the only one who is having flashbacks to my childhood and the movie “Red Dawn” whenever Hugo Chavez is mentioned? I mean I realize it most likely won't be strictly "Soviet & Cuban" troops invading the homeland, but it's getting easier and easier to see maybe, possibly an arabo-muslim-Chavez-Islamic-Socialist-Fascist coalition of militants.

2923 - Sultan Knish

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Islam is just the new Communism, it's an ideology and ideologies know no geographical barriers which is why isolationism doesn't work. Marxism had a big hold on Latin America and still does and the old line Marxists are lining up with the Islamists, led by Chavez's ties to Iran. Chavez is currently backing terrorist organizations for three neighboring countries out of Caracas and trying to become the regional version of Iran. I think we'll see closer cooperation between Islamic and Latin American terrorist groups within the decade

2926 - TooTall

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it amazes me that so many countries are blind to the fact that muslin extremists have no loyalty outside of their plan to convert everyone to Islam or kill them trying. They are not assimilating into other countries but are trying to turn these countries into carbon copies of the Middle East.

2927 - Sultan Knish

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A lot of countries brought in Muslims as cheap labor only for the socialist parties to discover them as a useful source of votes and they don't want to upset the apple cart. A little terrorism and murder and takeover of entire neighborhoods seems like a good deal to them in exchange for a built in voting base and a place to justify expanding social services all the time.

2929 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

I am repeatedly called a wackjob for pointing out this connection. And speaking of the Socialist Workers Paradise of Venezuela, here is a tale of enlightened tolerance from Hugo's version of the Gestopo.

2930 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa

Tune in to the Triple-Frontier area in South America. It appears to be an al-Qaeda area with a heavy drug economy. There are other Islamofascist groups there and Chavez appears to have a hand in it.

2933 - beachkatie

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Thankyou, dissident Frogman for keeping us inform! I just hope others are paying attention what is going on around them.. I loved your hunting pictures!! thanks again! From beachkatie...

2986 - Melissa In Texas

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  • Melissa In Texas


Thank you for reminding us that there are more dots to be connected. How many people are going to be surprised when Yoooogo Chavez and Iran's immanutjob's corroboration comes to fruiton?