the dissident frogman

21 years and 4 weeks ago

Countdown To Breakdown ♠ Introduction A La Deconstruction

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Progress in the Evil Empire (Strikes Back) is going steadily, thank you.

According to the last move, heartily acclaimed by the DFUFFTLOTEPFTYOTNEB¹, the EU is going to sue herself over her own decisions.

Yeah, the sky is their limit.

It's not like we weren't expecting this kind of, well, incursion into the 4th Dimension.
Actually, considering the doohickey and the method, there is no way the EU can avoid such turn of events, (particularly now that she piled up the Euro joke currency on top of it).

This is, shall we say, the natural state of the super State.

However, it's not because we're not surprised that we shall not rejoice.

In any case:
Jacques Bourgeois, a lawyer in the Brussels office of the law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer Feld, said that if the court sided with the commission, governments would be forced to "re-establish a situation which is in conformity with the law."
I'm impressed. A bunch of unelected UEreaucrats (commission and judges), accountable for nothing and to nobody but themselves, corrupted down to the bones and enjoying it, may 'force' the governments paying them, which they supposedly serve, to stop limit their deficits in public spending (which of course, include the fees, housing and feeding of the mercenaries EUreaucrat Cleam Team).

Great idea. But how exactly do they plan to 'force' them? With the 1st Belgian Waffle Division storming Chirac's Palace of the Elysée and the tanks of the 3rd Luxembourg Marine Corp rolling through Berlin?

Or will they just add a fine to the deficit?

The monster is turning its claws against its creator. Excellent.

In political terms, critics said, the case means the European Union, at a time of weak economic growth, is at war with itself.
In the very leitmotiv of the gifted writer and truly unique character David Carr:

"more and faster please."

1: That would be the Dissident Frogman's United Front For The Liberation Of The European People From The Yoke Of The NeoSoviet European Bureaucrats.
Yes, the name still needs a bit of work, but the struggle cannot wait for a new logo.
We're not freaking Champaign Socialists in Parisian marketing agencies blogging about the inequity of that filthy market economy and all, Dude.

Article copy (alternate language)

Progrès constants dans l'Empire du Mal (Contre attaque), merci.

Selon la dernière manoeuvre, cordialement acclamée par le FUDDFPLLDPEDJDBNE¹, l'Union Européenne va se poursuivre elle-même en justice contre ses propres décisions.

Ouais, le ciel est leur limite.

Ce n'est pas comme si nous n'attendions pas ce genre de, et bien, incursion dans la 4eme Dimension.
De fait, si l'on considère tout le machin et la méthode, l'UE ne peut en aucun cas éviter ces tournures d'évènements. (Particulièrement maintenant qu'elle a ajouté la plaisanterie monnaie européenne sur le tas).

C'est, devrions nous dire, l'état naturel du super Etat.

Cela dit, le fait de n'être pas surpris ne signifie pas pour autant que nous ne devions pas nous réjouir.

Dans tous les cas :
Jacques Bourgeois, avocat à la filiale bruxelloise d'Akin Gump Strauss Hauer Feld, a déclaré que si la cour s'accordait avec la commission, les gouvernements seraient forcés de"rétablir une situation qui soit en conformité avec la loi."
Je suis impressionné. Une bande de bureaucrates non élus (commission et juges), redevable de rien et devant personne d'autre qu'eux mêmes, corrompus jusqu'à l'os et s'en délectant peuvent 'forcer' les gouvernements qui les payent, et qu'ils sont supposé servir, à stopper limiter leurs déficits publiques (qui incluent bien évidemment, les honoraires, nourriture et hébergement desdits mercenaires bureaucrates).

Grande idée. Mais comment comptent-ils les 'forcer' précisément ? Avec la 1ère Division de Gaufres de Bruxelles prenant d'assaut le Palais de l'Elysée et les tanks du 3eme Marine du Luxembourg roulant dans Berlin ?

Ou bien vont-ils juste ajouter une amende au déficit ?

Le monstre se retourne contre son créateur. Excellent.

En termes politiques, selon les critiques, le cas signifie que l'Union Européenne, à un moment de faiblesse de croissance économique, est en guerre contre elle-même.
Selon le leitmotiv de David Carr, écrivain de talent et personnalité unique:

"plus, et plus vite s'il vous plaît."

1: C'est à dire le Front d'Union Du Dissident Frogman Pour La Libération Des Peuples Européens Du Joug Des Bureaucrates NéoSoviets Européens.
Oui, il faut encore travailler un peu le nom, mais la lutte ne peut pas attendre un nouveau logo.
Nous ne sommes pas de ces demeurés de la gauche caviar en agences de marketing parisiennes bloggant sur les inégalités de cette sale économie de marché, t'vois.



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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (2)

1191 - Damian Bennett

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DF, Of course, the EU experiment was never meant to be a "super state". It was always the sow eating its litter. After failing to colonize the third-world, France looked to her colonization of Europe as a more congenial adverture. The big important European state colonizing the smaller European states in exchange for a little "rayonnement de gloire française" by association. Having France largely in charge of the EU experiment is as deleterious for Europe as was last century's fond notion that she stood guarantor for continental security. And as when the sow eats her own, what is not remade as shit, is fated to be remade as sausage. Regards, DGB

1192 - papertiger

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Domi has said that contingent on America behaving itself and going home with the job half finished, France will step in to pen the new Iraqi constitution. With the EU constitution needing a rewrite and the French constitution coming up on it's expiration date (due for its thirty year rewrite isn't it?), this is a very generous offer. Thanks but no thanks. I'm sure Domi didn't clear the overtime with the French Constitution Writers Union anyhow, so it is just as well we won't be needing the help. PT the Californian :)