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You have to give it to the French Mediocratura: if anybody on this Earth and beyond could successfully round up your devoted dissident and the Al-Qaeda sub-scum behind the same opposing line, it has to be them:Al-Qaeda 'joins headscarf row'The origin of the tape is apparently unconfirmed yet, but it's no reason not to slap Mister Possibly al-Zawahiri behind the turban, in retaliation for this ludicrous attack in demagogy.
Al-Qaeda's deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has reportedly criticised a French law that includes the banning of Islamic headscarves in state schools. The decision shows "the grudge the western crusaders have against Islam," Mr Zawahiri said in a tape broadcast on Arabic satellite station al-Arabiya.
The tape said the decision by French President Jacques Chirac was part of an ongoing campaign against Islam.
After all, for Jacques and his apostles, there is only one God and the State is His prophet: these people are not tolerant seculars but rabid anticlericals.
al-Zawahiri the Eastern Barbarian is obviously opposing Chirac the Western Crusader on strictly political grounds, each of them struggling for the domination of his own church. And so, the reason why I tend to criticise the Crusader's Law against ostentatious religious signs displayed by school kids and civil servants, within the limits of the his public domains and tenures is rather different than that of the Barbarian.
I am not ready to accept the idea that Jacques Chirac (or any other priest or mullah from any other church - Are we listening back there? Mr al-Zawahiri would do well to stop playing with Osama's slough and take some notes) is entitled to interfere with who (or what), how and when, you and I should pray to. Or not.
But since they does not exactly care to ask for my opinion, let's admit for the sake of the argument that the French Crusader can legitimately legislate on that issue. If so, the ban on Christian and Jewish symbols - among other notoriously harmless cults in this country - will appear as a simple egalitarian pretext (or a little bonus for Jacques and the Rabid Anticlerical Crusaders) to have a go on the Muslim headscarf without irritating the aforementionned Muslims (predictably, it's not working Jacques) and will certainly have little effects on the believers of these two cults. Indeed, the last time I witnessed a Christian bearing a "large crucifix" was in a movie relating the life of Jesus, who wasn't exactly a school boy or a civil servant, while the French Jews are already advised to wear baseball caps instead of the yarmulke, to avoid beatings.
That leaves us with the Muslims' headscarf.
While "militant" Muslims of all sex can argue without succumbing under the weight of sheer idiocy that this is a compulsory attire worn by women freely, it is also said that this distinctive sign was invented in the early 70s by an Iranian mullah in Lebanon, inspired by Catholic nuns headgear on the basis that:
(...) by wearing the headgear, Shiite women would be clearly marked out, and thus spared sexual harassment, and rape, by Yasser Arafat's Palestinian gunmen who at the time controlled southern Lebanon.Interestingly enough, this very headgear is now fulfilling the same purpose in the Parisian suburbs of Sarcelles and Trappes.
"Better veiled than raped" has to be an Islamist motto I imagine.
This brings me back to the Crusader's Ban. The law is wrong, not simply because it is an attack against freedom of religion (no matter the unacceptable characteristics of the said religion) but particularly because it will not resolve any serious issue of which the headscarf has become the symbol (precisely because of the unacceptable characteristics of the said religion).
And in my book, any law that is not only coercive but also useless is irremediably wrong.
This law will not protect young girls from forced marriage (numbers in France apparently vary between 30,000 to 700,000 over the last 10 years - not really a surprise considering the seal of secrecy and the social and familial pressure that enclose them) or against any kind of physical or emotional violence. It will certainly not protect them against the aforementioned social and familial pressure neither will it protect the society against the conquering advance of the veiling - and potentially raping - beards.
However, it will give the women's oppressors another axe to grind, while they should have been clearly designated and ostracized as such - and sentenced, if need be. It will also temporarily clear the State from its self-allocated responsibility in this matter, while we have no other choice but its wrong and useless decision.
As usual with the legislator - particularly the French one - the only answer to a very concerning and sensible issue is a ban when we actually need the strong and renewed affirmation of a right: the right of any woman, Muslim or not, to refuse the veil, with the unconditional and uncompromising protection of the law.
And beyond any religious consideration, the affirmation and the defense of the right of any woman to live her life, express herself, and wear whatever she wants without risking the ghastly fate of their Christian, Jewish and more generally non Shiite counterparts in Lebanon 30 years ago or right here, right now.
Comments thread (8)
1236 - LaFée
1237 - pepe
1238 - pepe
1239 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
1240 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
1241 - pepe
1242 - Bigot Hunter
Bigot Hunter
1243 - pepe