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Well, what do you know? Even anodyne colloquialism such as the one below demonstrate that Islam was already a pain in mankind's backside, way before both Great and Little Satans came around and started to "oppress" that poor, poor Umma:Feather in your cap: an honor to you.
"The Caufirs [from the Arabic "Kafir": infidel -- df] of Cabul [Kabul, Afghanistan -- df] stick a feather in their turban for every Mussulman [Muslim -- df] slain by them."
"In Hungary, at one time, none might wear a feather but he who had slain a Turk."
Thus, anyone who reduces — and excuses — modern Islamic terrorism as the result of unheard yet legitimate grievances following the reestablishment of the State of Israel, the foreign policy of the USA or even the unpredictably variable length of Western womenfolk's skirts, is primarily showing his ignorance of both English language and History.
Comments thread (3)
4391 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
Ya know, Froggy, Islam was attacking its neighbors from the very beginning. There was never any point at which it "expanded" peacefully. And don't get me started on the list of Muslim "accomplishments" that leftards keep trotting out. Every item on the list pre-dates Islam by 1000 years. Not to mention Islam's recorded efforts to prevent scientific advancement. If it was not written by the prophet Muslims do not accept it. Period. Just ask them.
4393 - Mattexian
Mattexian Texas
Glad you're feeling up to posting again, Frogman; this makes twice in as many weeks. I still love some of the classics, like your video post "Like a Suppository, Only Stronger," I watched it again this last week.
Thanks for the language lesson, tho I'm sure it will be another item ignored by the blissful masses, when the evidence of their looming doom is right before them.
4394 - Proof
Proof Stockton, Callifornia, USA
Birds of a feather...