the dissident frogman

17 years and 2 months ago

French Fruitcakes +1, Reason 0

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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This is a disturbingly persistent trend in dereistic France, the country which, if you recall, gave you the vile Lefty Thierry Meyssan, author of the best-seller translated in 27 languages "l'Effroyable Imposture" (9/11: the Big Lie), and one of the pillars of 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Now, and after Sarkozy's new minister of urban affairs Christine Boutin, the latest in a long row of trendy Gallic thruthers is empty-headed mountebank Juliette Binoche:
A Few Days in September is witty and clever, but there is a serious point behind it - with which Binoche is more than a little obsessed. She describes it as a dramatised version of the events depicted in Michael Moore's documentary Fahrenheit 9/11. It alleges that various vested interests - including state security services around the world - knew what was about to happen on September 11, 2001.

While preparing for the role Binoche had long conversations with a secret agent, who consulted on the film and on whom she modelled her character. 'Of course he could not reveal everything to me, but he said a lot,' she says. 'Some things I forgot because it was just too much. Certain things I was very amazed by and when I told people close to me about them they just wouldn't believe it. Everything in there is true,' she adds, her eyes blazing with the fervour of a conspiracy theorist.

So is she saying the film is a dramatisation of real events? 'Absolutely,' she says. 'I went to see the Iranian ambassador at the time and he said of course it's true. Things that I thought were hidden and private… they were very open about it.' So she means the CIA and other agencies knew 9/11 was going to happen? 'Of course.' So is she saying it was an inside job? Or that al-Qa'eda was responsible? 'Everybody is responsible for it. If you only knew more, it's even more depressing.' She suddenly realises this is all getting a bit implausible and explodes into laughter. 'Humour is the only way we can deal with it.'
Hey, I know the feeling. For instance it's very hard sometimes, even for a gentleman like me, not to use the 'c' word. So I praise the Lord and pass the humor.

That said, it's that kind of performance by my "fellow" citizens that makes me fantasize about reviving a long lost French outdoors activity: Bitch Barbecue, and throwing my passport in, as extra fuel.

Since we're not short of hallucinated hysterics and all...

(Note to my American audience: you might want to pull a Dixie Chicks on this one.)

Muchas gracias to reader Joel B. for the tip



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (20)

2488 - SisterToldjah

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(Delighted to see you here Sis' !)

Well, hi, DF - thank you :) Hope you don't mind if I pull up a chair and stay a while. Enjoying your site and the commentary you offer. I hope one day soon you'll leave a comment or two at my site as well - they would really like you there.

By the way, last night when I replied to this thread, I clicked on the little email notification thingie, but didn't get the notification for the response post of yours that I'm responding to. I'm wondering if it is a site glitch, or a problem with my email, as I've had some issues with my email the last couple of days. Not a huge deal, as I had planned on checking in at your site today, anyway. I'll send you a private message through the board with a couple other issues in just a few minutes so I don't jam up this post with unnecessary clutter :)

And last but not least, I wonder if Ms. Binoche would be interested in buying the lock of Che Guevara's hair, among the other Che "memorabilia" that are going to be auctioned off by a former CIA operative?

2489 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

Damn, Froggy, you are moving up in the blogsphere. Sis, glad to see you in the threads here! I been a lurker in your domain for quite some time, always like to see your penetrating assesment spread about. And like the avatar! Good thang I's married.

2490 - SisterToldjah

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Thanks, 2hotel9!

I feel like I've missed out on so much, seeing as I didn't know about the DF blog until I guest blogged alongside him at Jules' last week. I've got a lot of time to make up for in reading here ;) and DF is on my daily-must read list now and forevah, so I'll definitely be back to check out new content, and to comment as well.

Ok, now back to figuring out how to turn my "country of Moonbatia" into idea into eality, so we can send the likes of Ms. Binoche, Michael Moore, and other fruitcakes of the world, on their merry way. Can you imagine a group like that trying to govern each other in their own little country? LOL ...

2491 - SisterToldjah

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gosh - it's getting late, obviously, as I can't spell tonight. That should have read:

"...idea into reality..."

2492 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

For a while I was the madman crying out in the wilderness. Froggy had to take care of some business and whatnot, now he has the blog chugging along, and I am still spreading the word. Be sure to check out , it is pretty cool.

2494 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Froggy had to take care of some business and whatnot

Yep... Mostly "whatnot", come to think of it (*winces*)

Sis' meet 2Hotel9, He who cries - and shoot bears - in the wilderness (AKA, on his own account, He who lurks on your domain. I'd be worried).

If I had the same messianic delusions as Al the Planet Saver, I'd say 2Hotel9 is my John the Baptist. Only with a rifle.

Oh and, with respect to John the Baptist-Rifleman over there exclaiming "Damn, Froggy, you are moving up in the blogsphere", all I can say is "See? Toldjah!"

Time to take sides

2500 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

Hey, I knew a good thang when I saw it the very first time. Been spreading the word ever since. Now, if I only knew how to printout the Meltdown Mahmoud I could pass them out on street corners.

2504 - SisterToldjah

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For a while I was the madman crying out in the wilderness. Froggy had to take care of some business and whatnot, now he has the blog chugging along, and I am still spreading the word. Be sure to check out [url=][/url] , it is pretty cool.

2, thanks for the recommendation - had a chance to check out Meltodown Mahmoud last night. Brilliant! I look at things like that and marvel "how does one create something as intricate and detailed as that?" It takes a lot of talent and creativity, both of which our friend DF definitely has :)

2506 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

Ah, so. Someone who accepts my missionary impulses as normal. Perhaps I could tempt y'all with this tidbit. Check it out. Lots-O-bloggy goodness to be found there. Archives as far as the eye can see. And troll smackin'. Did I mention the troll smackin'? At times it is a target rich environment. Just the way I like it. Come on by, set a spell. Rob will appreciate it.

2508 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

And let's not forget another good source,, the bloggy goodness just keeps coming.