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Now I understand the reason behind that burka thing: when hot chicks like her hit the streets, you're assured to infuriate the Islamists United against Unveiled Women and Just About Everything That's Not Them, theIn short, the girl is a riot.
I guess that if we were as smart as those good ol' Taliban fellows, we should put that back in the bag at once to preserve Public Order.
All things considered, and more seriously, I always found those Miss (Somewhere) contests rather silly but that's precisely the reason why this is, in my humble opinion, a good sign.
For when a futile international beauty contest hosts among its member a (gorgeous young... Sorry, I just got carried away) representative of women who, not so long ago, were shot in public executions for "crimes" such as having a hair styling clandestinely, and their bodies trampled by a crowd muttering "Allah Akbar", I take it as an unquestionable improvement.
And after Miss Kabul, *cough*, now I'm eager to see Miss Baghdad *cough*.
My kingdom for the place of the, er, concerted, old fellow photographer who just forgot to photograph, on the right.
Comments thread (7)
915 - Sylvie Holliger
Sylvie Holliger
916 - Captain Ed
Captain Ed
917 - OL
918 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
919 - OL
920 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
921 - kuk