the dissident frogman

21 years and 3 months ago

Good For Her, good for us ♠ Bon Pour Elle, Bon Pour Nous

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Now I understand the reason behind that burka thing: when hot chicks like her hit the streets, you're assured to infuriate the Islamists United against Unveiled Women and Just About Everything That's Not Them, the poorly screwed obsessive feminists against the Macho-Male oppression, the Multi-Culti-Lefty alliance against the Hegemonic Western Culture™, and the whole bunch of ultra-conservative bigots against the Presence of Satan In Bikini Babes.

In short, the girl is a riot.

I guess that if we were as smart as those good ol' Taliban fellows, we should put that back in the bag at once to preserve Public Order.

All things considered, and more seriously, I always found those Miss (Somewhere) contests rather silly but that's precisely the reason why this is, in my humble opinion, a good sign.

For when a futile international beauty contest hosts among its member a (gorgeous young... Sorry, I just got carried away) representative of women who, not so long ago, were shot in public executions for "crimes" such as having a hair styling clandestinely, and their bodies trampled by a crowd muttering "Allah Akbar", I take it as an unquestionable improvement.

And after Miss Kabul, *cough*, now I'm eager to see Miss Baghdad *cough*.
No really, she is just gorgeous.

My kingdom for the place of the, er, concerted, old fellow photographer who just forgot to photograph, on the right.

Article copy (alternate language)

Maintenant je comprend la raison derrière ce truc de la burka : quand des super gonzesses comme elle se pointent, vous pouvez être assuré d'enrager les Islamistes Associés contre les Femmes Non Voilées et A Peu Près Tout Ce Qui N'est Pas Eux, les mal baisées féministes obsessionnelles contre l'Oppression des Mâles-Machistes, l'alliance Multi-Cultu-Gauchiste contre l'Hégémonique Culture Occidentale™ et tout le lot des bigots ultraconservateurs contre la Présence de Satan dans les Bikini Babes.

En bref, cette fille est une bombe.

J'imagine que si nous étions aussi malin que ces vieux gars Talibans, nous devrions remettre tout ça dans le sac en vitesse pour préserver l'Ordre Public.

Tout bien considéré, et plus sérieusement, j'ai toujours trouvé ces concours de Miss (quelque part) plutôt crétins mais c'est précisément la raison pour laquelle ceci, selon mon humble opinion, est un bon signe.

Car lorsqu'un futile concours de beauté international compte parmi ses membres une (magnifique jeune... Désolé, je me laisse entraîner) représentante de femmes qui, il y a encore peu de temps, étaient abattues lors d'exécutions publiques pour des "crimes" tels qu'une séance de coiffure clandestine, et leurs corps piétinés par une foule psalmodiant "Allah Akbar", je considère cela comme une amélioration incontestable.

Et après Miss Kaboul, *tousse*, j'attend maintenant avec impatience de voir Miss Bagdad *tousse*.
Non vraiment, elle est à tomber.

Mon royaume pour la place du vieux copain photographe, heu, concentré, qui vient juste d'oublier de photographier, sur la droite.



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Comments thread (7)

915 - Sylvie Holliger

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  • Sylvie Holliger

Vous êtes décidément excellent! 100% d'accord avec vous et vous le dîtes si bien! Bravo et merci!

916 - Captain Ed

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As the old saying goes, the best revenge is to live well. Let's hope those fascist, benighted Taliban fugitives are getting an eyeful of Afghan feminine beauty, and despair at their lack of physical response, if you dig my drift.

917 - OL

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Good for her... But living in US for a few years and making business studies... Sadly, she does not really represent the women of Kaboul...

918 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

OL: Really? And do you honestly believe it would have been possible when the Talibans were ruling the country? Keeping in mind last year's Miss World contest, I could bet there would have been "some" problems here and there... Besides, you're disputing her legitimacy to represent the Afghan women - that's your point, and it can certainly be argued - but the fact is that she's participating under the Afgan banner. Not the US one. So, yes, she IS representing the Afghan women.
Time to take sides

919 - OL

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I think you misinterpreted my words. "Besides, you're disputing her legitimacy to represent the Afghan women " Not at all, I was just saying that it is sad that all women are not so free. So I agree with you on the fact that this was not possible under the Talibans.. (I think the last miss afghanistan was elected in 1972) but I'm just going a bit further thinking "i hope all afghan women can do the same if they want..."

920 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

I think you misinterpreted my words as well. Remember that I wrote "it's an improvement". When (if) all afghan women can do the same, maybe I'll write, one day, "it's an achievement". I said "maybe" simply because this sounds like egalitarianism utopia. Not all women approve this kind of contests and some women (quite a few indeed - hopefully) have other goals in life than parading in a red bikini in front of a, ahem, concerted photographer. Obviously, the keywords in your hopes are: "if they want..." I would certainly agree with that unconditionally. Actually, I'll go as far as saying that this is the main idea behind my initial post...
Time to take sides

921 - kuk

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The other day, on Greek TV, I heard that, considering that almost 60% of the women in Kabul engage in occasional prostitution, the burka is a very useful means for any woman who wants to prostitute herself anonymously. Now that's a different way to think about burkas.