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The new Flash animation at the top of the home page was inspired by a reader's email to Our InstaLord of the Blogs, thank to B. Durbin (with whom I share an inexhaustible interest for Terry Pratchett apparently.) who added it to an hypothetical "things I'd like to see df do" list in the comments of this post.It seems that Ted Kennedy, like too many people around, needs a little reminder on recent history.
Considering that when it comes to the contempt for 9/11 and its implications, Mr. Kennedy doesn't have the excuse to be French (I mean "excuse" in the sense of "justification" of course), let's give it to him:
Here's an archive containing the Flash movie and instructions to publish it on your site/blog (260 Kb).
Here are the self playing projectors: For Windows (executable inside the zip. 782 Kb) and for Mac (hqx, 2,120 Kb).
Use it at your heart's content: I'm inclined to believe that what Ted Kennedy really fears is you and your choice in November.
Comments thread (28)
1569 - jabial
1570 - Alex
1571 - sun
1572 - Shaikh Kaffir
Shaikh Kaffir
1573 - LibraryGryffon
1574 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
1575 - romuald
1576 - Valerie, Texas
Valerie, Texas
1577 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
1578 - Judah