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Rule Britannia:"Britons never, never, never shall be slaves."Never say never.
17 years and 6 months ago
"Britons never, never, never shall be slaves."Never say never.
"Britons never, never, never shall be slaves. (Les Britanniques ne seront jamais, jamais, jamais des esclaves)"Il ne faut jamais dire jamais.
Comments thread (10)
2208 - Iwo Gina
Iwo Gina Maryland
Great Red Button! I played it till my office mate yelled out in pain! DF Rules!
2209 - Valerie
Love the Python/Gilliam-esque G Brown! LOL What a scary PM HE is...!!
May the Brits produce a lot more Smeats than Browns, eh?
2210 - Mike H.
Mike H. Spokane, Wa
I don't hate anyone, it causes to much damage to my system, but right now I'm not too happy with Adobe Flash Player! If their programmers were to fall into the sludge in San Francisco Bay I wouldn't jump on a plane and rush down to throw them a rope. ;)
2211 - Léonidas
Léonidas Lille
Premier commentaire après plusieurs semaines de suivi cher frogman...
Il ne faut jamais dire jamais en effet... Qu'est-il arrivé à notre chère Angleterre ces dernières années ?
Les Etats-Unis et Israël sont-ils les derniers refuges des Occidentaux ?
Dans tous les cas votre blog est un souffle de fraîcheur que je viens régulièrement chercher...
2212 - TBinSTL
ahhhh, like the good old days. Thanks for that!
I'm trying to get the word out that you are back in the saddle here. Hope you see some good traffic.
2213 - KL
J'Aimez votre choix de noms. (I hope my french is okay. :)
2217 - Star-Wolf
Star-Wolf France
Démographiquement, et identitairement, la France passera sans doute à la casserole avant les mangeurs de pudding.
Jetez un oeil par ici pour voir ce que l'avenir vous réserve :
Les nouveaux totalitarismes en action, et sous les applaudissements de la majorité, messieurs dames !
2228 - YohjiArmstrong
YohjiArmstrong London, Perfidious Albion
Ach, for the days when being a punk or being left in the UK didn't mean slavishly supporting a religion that stands against everything you believe in:
Womens liberation (merci Mr. David Galula)
Human Rights
Freedom of conscience, speech, association, dress and music tastes
Alcohol and pretty women
A few more punks and a few less Gordon Browns would be lovely right now in Perfidious Albion. Malheuresment le merde les bâtons améliorent que des idéaux (If my schoolboy French serves me).
2234 - Panthercub
I think, you know, darling - puts down delicate cup of Lapsang Souchong. You have heard of Boudica, of course. (For those who haven't, female Asterix, led rising against the Romans.) Start as one means to go on, and all that sort of thing. A notably spineless and largely male political class isn't entirely representative. It's a question of what one has to lose, d'you see. I am familiar with - oh, all right, I have familiarized myself with - the arguments about women in combat. I don't think they apply when one's very being is at stake. Besides the way things are going the notably spineless heterosexual British male will have left us to fight alone, so it's hardly relevant as to whether chivalry would overcome him in combat. There are, you see, rather a lot of us. Together with gays and Jews, we probably make around 60% of the population. Golly gosh, we shouldn't all have to fight. The Islamists of course think us sub-human. There's a classically vile piece up at Islamist Watch discussing whether those who can't fight, for example women, should be killed or should be slaves. Put it another way: try and put me in one of those things and you die.
2269 - in2thefray
That was excellent !