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While I mean to keep the volume of 'YouTubing' as low as possible around here — simply because I find that in most cases, it tends to be just a rather lazy substitute for writing — I believe you have to see this one.If you already have, well, I'm sure you'll agree it's worth seeing again. This is British Demolition Works(1) at its very best.
Comments thread (7)
1974 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
Wow, I wonder if they even let the ink dry on that Fatwa before it hit the cobbles, eh what.
1975 - Saladin
1979 - Panthercub
He's back!
Saladin, two Brits, puh-lease, there's me...Actually I suspect about 90% of the nation of all creeds and none, all races and totally mixed, aren't exactly impressed. We have a rather strange government. For light relief I refer readers to Muslims rise against British oppression. They're going to march on Downing Street, in broad daylight too. Brave, no? The Comments page is a delight:
The reason why Muslims are opposed to integration and following local customs is because British customs and values cannot offer anything to Muslims. Muslims realise that Islam is a divine way of life. Muslims recognise that laws set by Allah are not only just but they supersede all others. Therefore it is rather nonsensical to ask Muslims to follow inferior laws and customs.
Admittedly we do demand changes in the way the country is governed. Muslims wish to change society for the better. It is a positive aspect that all non-Muslims should appreciate.
As for the Sharia Law it is true Muslims are calling for it, and not just in Muslim countries, but all countries. Muslims believe the whole world will be run better if it is governed by Sharia Law.
Ah, the virtue of searing honesty! Aren't they just so cute...Yessss, I think most people realize we have a bunch of screaming raving nutters among us.
1980 - Karridine
If you ever mean to get back to where you were right before you pushed the horrible, horrible button of death, two.frikkin'.minutes.ago. Plus you know that blaming God is not really going to help anyway...
Mon vieux, what a nightmare!
Yes, I thunk I was the only one who pushed the wrong buttons or had my UPS interrupted at the most critical time...
Crazy is when these events happen in our lives.
Character is when we rise to the occasion, dust ourselves off, dry the tears of disappointment and frustration, take a deep breath, remember that picture in our mind of Suzie tenderly caring for he son, or my son, or yours... and smile a wry smile, and plunge back in.
Been there, done that. Glad you did, too.
1981 - Valerie, Texas
Valerie, Texas
Pity most Brits has not awakened to the peril they are in as has this man.
1982 - Panthercub
'As has this...' Oh dear, excuse me, rather wider in the hips than that, fleshier around the top half
1983 - Panthercub
Sometimes you don't even have to touch the thing. Beautiful summer's day, a few days off work, came in, switched on, not a care in the world, opened Word, began to type and phut! Dead, junk, no power. Change fuse in plug. (Be sensible on occasions such as this, do not scream, batter walls, froth at mouth - yet.) Nothing. Being a tad financially challenged, ponder, as in do not automatically summon million pounds an hour repair whizzo. (Fortunately most stuff backed up - except of course the most recent and therefore by definition most seminally important. still, I wrote it once, I can dig into my brain and write it again. Maybe it'll be better this time....Decide to let bank balance grow a little before doing anything well, expensive. Get ancient desktop out of mothballs. Win98 was a wonderful product, you know, can't think why they felt it necessary to mess with it...Set up internet connection, install Photoshop, Flash player...Character-building, as you say.