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Mecca mosques 'wrongly aligned'The whole idea, as you may know, is to bow towards and worship a stone, and submit to one of the hundreds of idols to which it was associated in pre-Islamic Arabia: the moon god named Allah.
Some 200 mosques in Islam's holiest city, Mecca, point the wrong way for prayers, reports from Saudi Arabia say.
But while slews of socially-working auto-dhimmis, multi-culti artists and profligate politicians spend much of their time and too much of our money propagandizing the myth of Islamic enlightenment, the allegedly enlightened ones keep demonstrating how retarded they are: great at spewing head-chopping cultism, no so great at mastering such sophisticated, cutting-edge tech tools as the compass1 — even when it is required by the aforementioned head-chopping cult.
As a result, it is feared that a sizable portion of the flock has been turning their asses to the Most Merciful & Most Compassionate — perhaps even farting in His general direction:
Some worshippers are said to be anxious about the validity of their prayers.Anxious? Dude! You've just mooned Allah!
Comments thread (3)
4027 - Lady Cincinnatus
Lady Cincinnatus Ohio & Kentucky
Turning one's ass toward Mecca... Hmm. Isn't that a head-chopping offense right next to the one on pencil cartoon drawings of Allah, naming stuffed teddy bears Mohammad, and wearing a thong. Or, maybe I'm confusing it with that rule about if you turn your ass toward Mecca, you only get 5 1/2 virgins if you're a man and 3 servile midgets of you're a woman. It's all so confusing. Oh, and I think if you pass wind that's 60 cane lashings extra.
4028 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
Actually it seems to me that chopping off the offending body part is the norm. I am unsure how one goes about behinding someone as opposed to beheading them.
4031 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
So, several million Muslims are burning in hell because they are too stupid to know which DIRECTION the Kaaba is.
If they can not get it right in Mecca how could they possibly have gotten it right anywhere else? What a bunch of maroons. Perhaps this explains their mental problems.
Oh, and all those engineering and scientific advances they brag about? They were happening in the Middle East, prior to the conquest by Islam. No math, engineering, or science in the Qur'an. They brought all that to a screeching halt.