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As the title says, it's up to you to provide content for this post, either in the comments or on your own blog if you feel so inclined (in which case, please ping this entry with a big fat trackback to let me know. Or drop me an email if you believe trackbacks to be worse of a Devil's scheme than President Shrub's Evil Damninistration)Here's the pitch: my birthday is coming up, and since I'm hitting a new landmark in the History of Me — a two numbers figure with a zero at the end — I'm working out various ways to mark the event.
In the "it's now or never: live the instant" Department, I'm considering either taking a jump out of a perfectly working airplane, or a ride in a Lamborghini Murcielago — behind the wheel, and on a race track of course.
While that should fulfill my need for adrenalin, I'm also looking for something that will last longer, and I feel like offering me a boomstick to mark the occasion for the years to come — assuming the chute will open properly.
So here's where I put you to work: I'd like suggestions.
Guidelines as follow:
- I'm more of a rifleman than a pistolero, so let's leave handguns aside.
- It doesn't have to be a luxurious, expensive boomstick with gold and engravings all over the place. I'm a simple guy with simple needs(1), not one of Saddam Hussein's degenerate sons. Good rifle, at a good price for good value is what I'm looking for.
- Closely related to the previous point: I'm looking for a rifle that I will actually use, not just place on display in the living room. By "use", I mean (mostly) hunting big game by all sorts of weather (in a forest, and frequently thick and thorny underbrush environment). Usually at close range.
- Big game means adapted caliber. It doesn't have to be magnum all the way (as 1. Most European big game is not too big and 2. Size is not everything, I believe in bullet placement) but .22 is definitely a bit small and a bit slow.
- Rifles, not shotguns. Have enough shotguns, thank you.
- I like wood as much as composite. I like bolt as much as lever action. And semi-auto. Okay, I have just a slight preference for bolts.
Oh and if you don't know jack about guns, I'm thinking of having a few words engraved on my Rifle of the New Decade. Any idea?
Comments thread (90)
2579 - Valerie, Texas
Valerie, Texas
Ride in the Lamborghini. As fast as you can! What can I say? I am a Texan, I go for the horse power. Ride in a red one and get lots of pictures.
Boomstick wordsL Live Free or Die
Gun: Pump action shotgun. One of the most recognizable sounds in the world.
And despite his coy reference to his age, he is NOT turning a half a century old.
2580 - Jason
I have both a Yugo SKS and a Winchester 30-30 and enjoy both weapons. The SKS has less recoil, is semi-automatic and has an attached 10 round magazine (in VT I have to switch to a 5 round magazine to go hunting). The 30-30 packs a larger punch, is lever-action, so it helps me live out my cowboy fantasies, and has a six tound magazine (with an additional one in the chamber). Both are good brush guns, though, with similar ballistics.
If you're getting an SKS get the Yugo, it a a fold out bayonet. Not only does it look cool, it look awesomely cool.
2582 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
Val: indeed, I've not reached 50 yet. Don't know what I'll do when I'll get to that venerable age, as a rifle might not be enough - buy a cannon maybe?
Jason: I have many cowboy fantasies as well, but I was under the impression that Winchester closed the shop on their legendary lever-action rifles?
I thought maybe going the Marlin way, as I've heard they were good rifles, even though they don't have the same Far West aura as Winchester. Any happy Marlin owner in the area?
2583 - Sarah
tempus omnia revelat
If you do wind up with wood, I happen to know someone who can get words on there.
Which decade is this? Certainly this milestone is not the first time there has been a zero with the two digit number?
2584 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
Sarah, am I getting this right? You did the deer scene on the stock? Nice, very nice.
Oh and... It's the 4th time. There. I said it.
2585 - Jim B
Jim B
How about this beauty in 6.5x55:
2586 - Valerie, Texas
Valerie, Texas
DF - When you turn 50 I am hoping you will be in America. That would be the way to celebrate!
Friends, go to You Tube and enter "Dissident Frogman" and what will appear? Our French Terorist Mime. Apparently someone got antsy and hauled Bite the Bullet over to YouTube. Rack up those viewing numbers people for the Frogman's birthday!
2587 - trainer
trainer New Jersey
I have a Marlin 1894cs in .357 that is a ball to shoot, but not for hunting critters as large as you need to. I've been shooting a Marlin 336 30-30 a lot lately and it would be more to your liking...shells are ejected to the side allowing a scope for old farts...unlike the Winchester. I also have a Yugo SKS that I customized (read bubba'd), and this is the trunk rifle of choice out west right now. The SKS has never failed to feed, fire, or fling in thousands of rounds.
Much of course depends on your budget, but for game in Europe, I wouldn't think you would need much more than a 6.5x55mm Swede. They can be found in the original Swedish Mauser configuration if you are a purist, or just about any modern rifle manufacturer has a swede. Ruger makes the Swede in beautiful single shot and bolt action models.
The round is extremely accurate with low recoil, yet has the 100+ year history of military use behind it.
I don't hunt, so my guns tend to be for fun or SHTF.
2589 - Sarah
Yes that's my work, but I think it needs to be appreciated in a cultural context. I know it's not a typical thing to do, but for that client, it was just the thing. I never did that before (on a gunstock) and probably won't have the chance again.
2590 - Peter
I turned 50 in April, and my choice was a late-1943 Savage made Enfield No4 MkI*. It was exactly what I wanted, it was in the right color, and it fit. In addition, since the Enfield is .31 caliber, I had to get collets for my case trimmer, a set of .303Brit dies, a proper shellholder for the reloading press, brass...the Birthday Observances, a/k/a buying new stuff, lasted a good six weeks after the Day itself, so it ended up being nearly an entire Birthday Season instead of just a day.