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Albert Arnold Gore: "One day I was invent the Internet, and then I was had the Noble Prize."
There is a lineage and a trend here folks. These things just don't emerge by coincidence.
And I'm not prone to conspiracy theories, as a general rule.
H/T No Pasaran
Dang. I published before I put the hyperlinks in. But then, I didn't invent the Internet, so cut me some slack here will you?
Comments thread (15)
2841 - Red Collar
Red Collar Montreal, Qc, Can
Check out this scary picture of Al Goracle...
2842 - Valerie, Texas
Valerie, Texas
Ah, just in time for Halloween.
In honor of Big Al's big day we drive the SUV till it ran dry and then re-filled the tank. After that we went home and built a fire of homage to him out of old tires and bowed in the direction of Tennessee three times.
Wonder in which room in that energy sucking mansion he lives in will he plop that POS award? Any word too if he used a pedal-boat to get to/from Norway? Oh do the planes he and other limousine liberals fly in run on the hot air that comes out of their mouths?
2843 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
The Goreacle has spoken! The Nobel Propaganda Prize is quite deserved. I have some friends in Tennesse and they are laughing so hard they have hurt themselves. He could not even carry his home state, now he is the second coming of Christ. What a joke.
2844 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
And Froggy, I have had trouble with my bloglines feed, this is the first time you come up in my feeds since last week. It has been dropping my news feeds too. I am less than amused! Complaints have actually done some good, apparently.
OH! And since last I commented I have aquired a new weapon. A semi-auto model Kalashinkov RPK. And it ROCKS.
2845 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
Now I understand. It's all DF's fault!
I saw a report on the news today saying that hits on the site were up indicating an increasing interest in Al Gore running for President. Polls did not support this.
The Dissident Frogman's posting of a link to the surreal poster of Mr. Global Warming takes you to the site accounting for the increasing hits on the site. The increase represents interest in DF, not AG.
I feel better now!
2846 - bonmotdot
But hits on al ar goracle's site are not in vain if they give the Hildebeest's campaign flunkies acid indigestion. Click away!
2847 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
I am innocent in this abomination. As soon as I saw where the link went I moved off of it.
2848 - floridasuzie
floridasuzie Florida
My caption would be "Slouch Toward Bethlehem in Your Hybrids With Me and You Too Can Become an Enlightened One". Incidentally if anyone's interested in what really happened here in Florida during the last election I'll be happy to tell you. It was definitely NOT as portrayed by Gore and the MSM. Furthermore it seems the Dems are rabblerousing to make Florida look bad in the upcoming election as well.
2849 - Proof
Proof Stockton, Callifornia, USA
hits on al ar goracle's site are not in vain if they give the Hildebeest's campaign flunkies acid indigestion. Click away!
Hillary's indigestion or Algore's false hope...It's ALL good!
2850 - SisterToldjah
Valerie wrote:
Hopefully you threw some Sheryl "one square of toilet paper per bathroom visit" Crow CDs on the fire for good measure ;)
2hotel9 wrote:
2hotel, you might want to give a try - I've got about 50 blog/news site feeds in it, and find that most of them update regularly. There is an option in Newsgator to import your blogfeeds from other RSS readers, too, so if you have a lot of blog feeds to transfer over to Newsgator from Bloglines, the transfer should be pretty smooth.