the dissident frogman

17 years and 3 months ago

Sometimes, I wish this was a collective blog

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Here's Grimmy answering Dennis_Crane's legitimate puzzlement on the alleged "link between the earth getting warmer and our country's security".

Considering the style and the wit, I suspect Grimmy is in fact a pseudonymous Donald Rumsfeld. So let's thank former Secretary of Defense for this explanation, because I was as puzzled as Dennis:
The linkage supposedly goes like this:

As the have nots get more and more have notty then they'll act out and get pissy at those that aren't so have notish. So, droughts will force migrations, etc etc.

And those of us who are still in the greedy rat bastard level of have it allish wont want to share with the icky have notties. So the have notties will have no choice but to kill us and take our stuffs.

And, it will, of course, be all our fault, because we're just evil that way.
That said, the great thing with being on the have it allish side, is that among the stuffs we have that the have notties want to take away from us, we find all sorts of boomsticks, the M1A2 Abrams and the F-22 Raptor.

The have notties have mostly machetes and a few Ak-47, but I'm told they can't shoot for sh*t. Plus they're not very well fed "because we're just evil that way." (1)
  1. Also, they all have AIDS and no college education for the same reason.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (10)

2828 - Proof

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  • Proof Stockton, Callifornia, USA

“…the great thing with being on the have it allish side, is that among the stuffs we have that the have notties want to take away from us, we find all sorts of boomsticks, the M1A2 Abrams and the F-22 Raptor.”

Is this a variation of “He who has the most toys wins”?

2830 - Grimmy

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  • Grimmy Where I'm at.

"Is this a variation of “He who has the most toys wins”?"

Another way to feature it would be to say "Holding to the tradition of kicking the enemy in the nuts, just because we can."

Where does the light go, when the light goes out?

2831 - Proof

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  • Proof Stockton, Callifornia, USA

That would explain the words of General Anthony C. McAuliffe when the Germans asked for his surrender during the Battle of the Bulge!

2834 - tinga-tinga

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The lesson to heed is that of the Soviet pseudo-scientist of the pseudo-science "agro-biology", Lysenko. Lysenko clawed his way up the Soviet structure to reign over Soviet agriculture for decades. Once on top, Lysenko used the communist party apparatus to destroy REAL scientists who challenged his crack-pot theories. The implementation of Lysenko's recommendations to improve Soviet agricultural production, destroyed it instead. Scientists who watched collegues be sent off to prison, some to die there, stayed quiet. It is not a just a little creepy that Al Gore's father had close ties to Armand Hammer (Arm & Hammer) who had tight contracts with the Soviets for US-Soviet trade. It's not just a little creepy that the head of the Weather Channel, a person of no meterological training guides the network to global warming propaganda and has commented that any scientists who disagree with the "consensus" that global warming needs to be stopped, should have their credentials yanked. Lysenko. There are films and books available about Lysenko and the Soviet agricultural debacle, but who makes those prime resources for students? Inconvenient truths.

2835 - tinga-tinga

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Sigh. Wrong thread. For the other one! Do I shoot like the way I post? Hope not.

2837 - TooTall

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Quote tinga-tinga:

[quote] Sigh. Wrong thread. For the other one! Do I shoot like the way I post? Hope not. [/quote]

No problem, you're still more accuate than Al!

2838 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa

Lessee, notties and have notties. Hmm, F-18's and F-22's and Abrams seem to put a song in my heart,

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
And we'll all stay free

Praise the Lord and swing into position
Can't afford to be a politician
Praise the Lord, we're all between perdition
And the deep blue sea

by Frank Loesser

About a chaplain at Pearl Harbor

2839 - Folly

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Uh, if the have notties are starving and what not, how are they going to find the energy to fight the notties?

2840 - TMLutas

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Unfortunately, the real threat of the have nots is not in ak-47s, etc. though conventional kinetics can be the basis of pretty outsized strikes (see 9/11). We depend on discovering new antibiotics faster than poor sanitation and genetic micro-evolution breeds resistent bugs. Have not markets are ideal breeding pits for superbugs (think SARS and avian flu). Below a certain yearly income, polities don't care about the mad scientist doing odd and dangerous things out in the middle of nowhere. They just like the income that the mad scientist brings. That's another threat, whether it's bio, techno malware, or nano-threats (grey goo). In fact, there's a whole list of things that require global coverage to prevent real threats to our safety and wellbeing and the notties don't have the resources to do their share. There is no wall we can build to prevent these threats from spreading. All we can do is spread the protective systems we already have in place in the first world throughout the globe. This is why it was a good idea to eradicate smallpox for instance as a matter of self-interest and not just as a matter of charity and solidarity.

Once you get past the ludicrous idea of ak-47 wielding 3rd worlders sacking Washington DC, the nots do really have the potential to hurt us and badly, often by inaction. Just because the threat isn't sexy doesn't mean it is not real.

Al Gore is still a tool though.

2882 - TMLutas

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Just came across this Boston Globe article ([url=][/url]) which explains several ways somebody with an airline ticket and some imagination could launch strikes at the 1st world without much risk of being caught and to devastating effect.

The cure cannot be walling ourselves off from them.