the dissident frogman

17 years and 4 months ago

Everyday Hero stands up to Al Gore the Scaremonger

the dissident frogman

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An Inconvenient ruling for Al Gore's Global Fear Factory: the former US Vice-President turned Enviro-Bogeyman won't be allowed to terrify little British children with impunity and the helping hand of the most Orwellian side of Her Majesty's Brownies.
Schools will have to issue a warning before they show pupils Al Gore's controversial film about global warming, a judge indicated yesterday.
And the hero who stood up against his children's indoctrination and brainwashing is Stewart Dimmock, a "lorry driver from Dover with children aged 11 and 14"
Stewart Dimmock said the former U.S. Vice-President's documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, is unfit for schools because it is politically biased and contains serious scientific inaccuracies and 'sentimental mush'.

He wants the video banned after it was distributed with four other short films to 3,500 schools in February. (...)

The outcome marks a partial victory for Mr Dimmock, who had accused the 'New Labour Thought Police' of indoctrinating youngsters by handing out thousands of Climate Change Packs to schools.
Thus I bid you Sir Stewart Dimmock, champion of Truth, and a proud descendant of Saint George, slayer of the dragon to whom younglings were offered as human sacrifice.
David Miliband, who was Environment-Secretary when the school packs were announced, said at the time: 'The debate over the science of climate change is well and truly over.'
You serpent! Not until the fat lady sings it ain't.

And not as long as Sir Dimmock has a spear to thrust.



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Comments thread (38)

2786 - Folly

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Too bad we don't have anyone here who will stand up to the Patron Saint of Stupidity like they do in the UK.

2787 - Lady Cincinnatus

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  • Lady Cincinnatus Ohio & Kentucky

"Thus I bid you Sir Stewart Dimmock, champion of Truth, and a proud descendant of Saint George, slayer of the dragon to whom younglings were offered as human sacrifice."

I still say the Brits would do well to allocate some public funds for broadcasting Radio Free Frogman. Hey, I can hope, can't I?

2788 - HeckBoy

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  • HeckBoy Auburn, AL USA

My favorite Algore moment was during the 2000 presidential debates. GW was answering a question and Algore 'invaded' his personal space, puffing himself up and trying to look like some playground bully. GW just laughed him off and kept going.

It was the dumbest thing Algore had ever done in public - up until he declared himself the champion of global warming. The sad thing is all the people who run around behind him, giving him money and hanging onto his every word.

Algore is one of the original "phoney soldiers", having claimed to have patrolled the perimeter, shooting first and asking questions later. Then it turned out he was patrolling with a typewriter.

2789 - Iwo Gina

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  • Iwo Gina Maryland

Cobaltberet: I sometimes wonder about Kerry's service record as well - hard to tell what really happened to him and when. I just flat out don't believe a word he says.

Gore's disdain of the Military is a well-known fact. He is also known to embelish his accomplishments - his ill-chosen words in an early interview stating that he "took the initiative in creating the Internet", when in fact what he did was sponsor funding for the creation of the Internet is the classic example. His political ambitions far and away negate his good intentions, and we all know what road is paved with good intentions! Many Gore supporters claim that his words are taken out of context. Well, if he'd been a bit more accurate in his initial statement, it wouldn't have left any room for misinterpretation. But it's my opinion that such ambiguously worded statements are intentional, in the hopes that anyone not familiar with the evolution of a product or event or institution, etc. will be hood-winked enough to think more of the man that what he really is - a politician, first, last, and always.

Iwo Gina

2791 - HeckBoy

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  • HeckBoy Auburn, AL USA

I agree, IG. I expect if Algore is ever forced to face off with someone who knows climatology - and not some junk scientist who's swallowed the global warming bath water in exchange for funding - he won't be able to defend the stuff he's spouting. I'd be surprised if he understands even a small percentage of what he espouses. He's most likely regurgitating what he's been told.

I'm hoping someone steps up for this presidential election who knows what he or she is talking about, and not just the usual political mush. I get so sick of the Dem's running around claiming to know what the American people want. I would never approve of my child being taught that rubbish Algore pushes. We home school because my son, who is Ukrainian (adopted 5 years ago), has to have one-on-one teaching to get caught up. That's our main reason, but I'm sure glad he doesn't have to wade through the liberal goop to try and do what he and the rest of the children are there for; learning reading, writing, math, and real science for crying out loud!

2792 - SisterToldjah

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cobaltberet wrote:

My favorite Algore moment was during the 2000 presidential debates. GW was answering a question and Algore 'invaded' his personal space, puffing himself up and trying to look like some playground bully. GW just laughed him off and kept going.

It was the dumbest thing Algore had ever done in public - up until he declared himself the champion of global warming. The sad thing is all the people who run around behind him, giving him money and hanging onto his every word.

I think the dumbest thing Gore's ever done in public was when he toured Monticello back in 1993, when he saw the busts of George Washington and Ben Franklin, but didn't know it and had to ask who they were. That wasn't widely reported in the media, of course, but you know for sure that had GWB done something like that, we'd have heard about it for weeks.

The lefties who hang onto Gore's every word are just another example of the left's willingness to suspend reality long enough for them to feel like they're doing something good for the "global community." As we all know, the left is more about feelings than facts - they never let a little thing like the truth get in the way of their emotion-based "arguments."

2793 - TooTall

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It's not so much that I mind Al Gore's stupidity, it's his hypocrisy that I can't stand. Just like most liberals he's quick to point out how you should live and slow to practice what he preaches. Preaching about carbon footprints and having one of the largest footprints you can find. Course this is O.K. because he buys "carbon offset credits". What a farce!

2794 - Proof

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  • Proof Stockton, Callifornia, USA

Too Tall said: 'Preaching about carbon footprints and having one of the largest footprints you can find. Course this is O.K. because he buys "carbon offset credits".'

What turns this farce into fraud is that he purports to purchase those credits from himself! (Maybe he keeps them in a "lock box" for safe keeping?)

2795 - HeckBoy

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  • HeckBoy Auburn, AL USA

I couldn't remember where Gore displayed his lack of education about our founding fathers. Thanks for reminding me, Sister.

I've wondered since Sheryl Crowe's bit about how we should only use one square of TP for each trip to the bathroom if her guitar technicians wear rubber gloves now. But that's assuming she wasn't just trying to tell us commoners how to live and that she would actually practice what she preaches. She's a liberal though so the odds are probably ...nahh.

2796 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa

Iwo Gina, Kerry quite possibly received a Less Than Honorable Discharge because that is the only discharge than can be upgraded without petitioning the President for an upgrade. Jimmy Carter could have still signed it but a Less Than Honorable Discharge, if there is no indication of legal infraction in the intervening period, automatically upgrades to an Honorable Discharge on its own. I personally wish that he had received the punishment that was called for by treating with the enemy in Europe while he was still in uniform, a Dishonorable Discharge and Life imprisonment.

As you'll notice anytime I talk about sKerry I lose my sense of humor. Sorry.