The problem with Brigitte Bardot
(Jules Crittenden has been so bold as to invite me to guestblog at his place again—brass …
Some tradition
I was reading a bit on werewolves at The Crime Library—I like werewolves nearly as much …
The (translated) French Economy Quote of the Day
Hey, just because it didn't work for the last 40 years doesn't mean we should stop trying.
Quote “The Jewish community is becoming a ghetto”
Then again, this is Europe.
Rats in the Cradle
Sometimes, there are coincidences. By which I mean, coincidences do exist, after all. But …
Il sentait bon le sable chaud
All right, all right, I know I said "enough with the French news for today" but this I …
Bottom stories from the bottom, part 3, final
Truth be told, with regard to France and 9/11 as a whole, Marion Cotillard is not an anomaly.
Bottom stories from the bottom, part 2
Sticks and Stones may break my resolve
Bottom stories from the bottom, part 1
Well, at least, is it a sustainable solvent?